Understanding Mission Statements

Ask Me Anything with Jeff Barnes

Join us as we talk more about vision and missions.

Posted by Angel Investors Network on Thursday, September 30, 2021

Learn the Value of a Mission Statement for Your Business!

Thu, 9/30 09:01:01 • 32:07


mission, starbucks, people, creating, business, vision, questions, mission statement, talking, coffee, jeff, investors, company, build, impact, listen, bit, big, world, happen


Jeff Barnes, Diana Tsakiris

Diana Tsakiris 

Alright! I can’t believe it is Episode Four of Ask me anything. With CEO Jeff Barnes for angel investors network, I’m super excited that we’ve made it to Episode Four. And that all of you have come here to join us. Just a little recap. Last week we talked about vision and why it’s so important and what is your vision.

If you remember i told Jeff, that my personal vision is to just be able to any day at any moment, just either jump in the car, go to the airport, get on a plane, a train, whatever, and just be like, dude, I’m out of here, I can do it. I don’t care if I have the right clothes or not, I can pick it up when I get there. So obviously, to have a vision like that, in my personal life, I have to build a goal to be able to get there and scale a business or work efforts to get there.

Today, we’re going to be focusing on mission. And what is a mission statement? Why does your business need a mission statement? How important is a mission statement to grow your business to eight or nine figure out valuation? Remember, angel investors network is here to help you become scalable, sellable, investable, meaning we’re helping you put the processes, operations and procedures in place to grow a business, build a business foundation and get it to where an investor would like to come in. Put time, effort and money and expertise into your business, purchase your business or whatever it is, so that you can do what you need to do for your business and grow.

I’m going to hand it over to Jeff today, I’m probably going to be a little more quiet than normal. I’ve got a little scratch on my throat, if you hear me sounding funny, so I’m going to check out so I don’t interrupt what you’re doing. I will be watching the comments on our Facebook page at Angel investors network. Please go in and say anything you want to say we’ll be answering these questions. Let us know what’s going on. And for the next 30 minutes, we’re gonna be talking about mission and why you need one in your business, handing it over to you, Jeff. Awesome.

Jeff Barnes 

Thanks, Dan. I appreciate it. Yeah, so I’m really excited about this. Now you might notice my office looks a little funny or a little bit different today. And that’s because we’re in the middle of actually moving, which I’m really excited about. It’s gonna be a fun weekend for me and the rest of my crew that’s helped me out with this.

Alright, so let’s talk a little bit about mission and vision. Now new visions are very big, and they’re generally 510 15 years down the road. And we might say, okay, our vision is we want to create a certain number of multi millionaires or billionaires or unicorns are business, right? And then we talk about creating wealth, building a legacy and making an impact. And ultimately, a mission is what inspires people to want to work with you. And it’s something that is you’re always doing, you’re always focused on that. And you really want to make a lot of companies or a lot of people happy with what you do. And I gotta tell you, I pulled up some mission statements out there, because I wanted to just understand what are some other companies that they what are the missions that they say, and once I go through this, you’ll start to understand why a mission statement is so important.

So JPMorgan, the bank, to be the best financial services company in the world. Okay. Now, how do you measure that? Yeah, that’s a fair interpretation, Tesla, to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. So you probably thought Tesla was a car company, right? That’s not really what they’re talking about, though, is it?

What about Walmart, we save people money, so they can live better? Now, they say that in their ads all the time, right? You know, save money live better? You hear that? Everywhere you go with Walmart? What about Starbucks to inspire and nurture the human spirit? one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. Now, when you hear these, you don’t really hear except for maybe, maybe Starbucks when they talk about one cup, but they don’t even none of them talk about their product, do they?

None of them are talking about what is their product? And how can their product change the world? They’re talking about how their company is changing the world. Okay, so to be the best financial services company in the world, what does that mean? Well, that’s really hard to measure in a lot of ways. But we have one thing we can do, which is a net promoter score. That’s one simple measurement tool. And that just tells us how much does do our customers like us, okay. But think about Tesla and sustainable energy, transitioning the world of sustainable energy, has nothing to do with cars doesn’t even talk about batteries. It literally has nothing to do with the product that they’re selling. And again, why is this important? Well, I want you to think really quickly about Starbucks and Howard Schultz.

Okay, so I live near Seattle, and I’ve actually done a lot of research and a lot of work at start on Starbucks in general. Learn the strategy, understanding them. I’ve worked with people who work at Starbucks headquarters, and of course, I love going to Starbucks and sitting down there until COVID happened and they won’t let you sit inside and in our state anyway. And what what is it about Starbucks that made them a multinational, icon, right? The most one of the most recognizable if not the most recognizable coffee brand in the world, and they’re not even a Coffee Company. Right?

Well, quick story about the birth of Starbucks here in Seattle area in 1971. Howard Schultz didn’t actually start Starbucks Starbucks was actually already going it was very small little coffee shop and pikes place market and power shells took a trip when he’s young man over to Italy. And he loved this, this vibe and this culture that he was getting over in Italy. He goes, you know, it’s great. People just come here, and they sit and they drink their coffee. And they take their time they enjoy each other. And it’s, it’s a place for them to meet and hang out. And, you know, they’re having a good time doing this.

And it’s family and its friends and it’s work colleagues. And what do you realize was that people who were drinking coffee, nearly were doing a very different than they were here in the States, you know, think back to the 60s and 70s. And people in United States would go to like a Denny’s or, you know, greasy spoon cafe, and they have their five or 50 cent cup of coffee, and they just drink it black. There, there wasn’t any creativity around that. And the way that we looked at coffee was more like just something you added on to the, to the breakfast meal, right? It wasn’t anything you drink at lunchtime, or dinner time, you know, very few people have decaf at dinner, or after dinner and dessert.

Howard saw this in led goes you know, this is great, because people are coming around and having a great time and having conversations and enjoy each other’s company. What if we took coffee in this Coffee Company idea, and we made it we call the third place that place between work and home? And what can we do to inspire people to want to come and be with us and hang out with us. And really great those incredible relationships, right? So when you go back to their mission, was their mission to actually say, to inspire and nurture the human spirit has nothing to do with coffee, right? has zero to do with coffee has everything to do with creating an incredible place where people hang out one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time. So in essence, what they did with their mission statement was they said, Listen, coffee is a product that we sell.

Now, if you’ve gone to Starbucks at all, in the last, you know, several years, you know that it’s just one of hundreds of products they sell, they have baked goods, they have, you know, the little cake pops that of course, my kids love, they want them every single time we go there. And you know, they do something where they give you if you guys have dogs, and he goes, you can get a puppet Chino, right, which is essentially just a little cup of whipped cream, and you can actually have the dog eat that. So what did they do, they created a place where you want to go not just for coffee, but to hang out and nurture those relationships and build up your human spirit. Right? So these are some of the things that we were doing at or they were doing at Starbucks to really make a difference, right, so that I see that you had a question you want to bring up?

Well, I just wanted to kind of clarify a little bit. So what you’re saying if we keep it with Starbucks, which is a great example there is that the mission isn’t necessarily the steps in what we’re doing. So Starbucks sells coffee, that’s their product, that’s their revenue producer. But it’s really not what they’re selling what Starbucks is selling is the experience and the atmosphere and the overall picture. So when we’re looking at vision and mission, we want to focus on what that big, broader, all encompassing feeling. And goal is for a company, not just exactly like, you know, Johnson and Johnson has a mission. And it doesn’t totally say that they’re gonna sell just soap and they sell everything, just like Starbucks now has everything is that where you’re kind of getting out that when these entrepreneurs are looking at their mission, they need to know what the big end thing is that they’re wanting to accomplish? Not necessarily, hey, I want to sell, you know, $5 cup of coffee.

Jeff Barnes 

Yeah, that’s exactly right. Right. So when when you talk about a mission of a company, what are you trying to do, as his company on a daily basis? What are you trying to make happen in you’re always working towards us, right?

So us creating wealth, building legacies, and making an impact through the power of angel investing and entrepreneurship. Now think about that. That doesn’t tell me telling you that I’m going to help you build a company, it doesn’t tell you that I’m going to show you how to build a process or talk about a system or learn how to raise capital, it’s nothing like that, right? It’s all about creating wealth, building legacies and making an impact. And what is making an impact really mean? Well, it’s different from everybody, right? If you go and you talk to Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn, he would have probably said, Listen, making an impact for me is being able to connect all the professionals around the globe, on a very professional platform. And now I know I’m making an impact because people can get better jobs or higher paying jobs or they can get that connection they need to close the deal. You know, that’s making an impact for him, versus you go to somebody in a third world country, and maybe they’re still trapped traveling miles and miles every single day to get water just so that their families can live. And they’re still riddled with disease and sickness because they don’t have a water filtration system. And somebody says, You know what?

My mission in life, and my mission in my business is to create drinkable, clean water to empower third world countries to join the 21st century, right. And I’m just spitballing these things here and throwing them out there. But that’s an example. Because the mission doesn’t necessarily talk about the product, right? The product of what angel investors network does is very different than our mission, our mission is to help people make an impact. Now, of course, we use angel investing in entrepreneurship to do that. But what does that even mean? Right?

There’s a lot that goes into that. And so the reason we create a mission is because we want to say, hey, if you want to work with us, here’s what we’re trying to do. Alright, we’re making a difference this way. All right. And when somebody joins a company, they might first join, especially if it’s a lower level entry. employee, they might say, you know, I’m just joining for a job. But when they join that company, and they start getting paid, they realize there’s a lot more than just, you know, doing the things on a daily basis. And this is where companies really set themselves for success or failure. The mission creates the culture inside the company, if you don’t have a really strong mission statement, and you don’t have a mission that you’re going towards, you’re going to start attracting people to work for you, that you’re not really going to want to work with.

Right, because maybe they’re just coming for a job, and they don’t really want to help, you know, build your mission, or you’re gonna start attracting customers that don’t really resonate with what you’re trying to do. Right. So when, again, you think about hours, creating wealth, building legacies, making an impact. Well, creating wealth, okay, so that means we’re already talking to people who want to generate money in their lives. All right? Well, it can come in different forms, too, right? Like you said, Diana, when you talk about your personal vision, your goal here is to be able to hop on a plane and go wherever you want, whenever, well, that takes money, it takes time, it takes resources and all of that. So your wealth style might be or wealthy lifestyle might be different than somebody else’s, who may say, Listen, I want to be able to go home every single night at 4pm. Hang out my kids, when they get off the bus go to every single sports game, they never have to worry about money at the end of the day. That could be their personal vision.

And so wealth changes from day to day from person to person. Now, what about building a legacy? What does that mean? Now when I think about building a legacy, it’s multi generational wealth, and impact, okay, meaning that, you know, today we are doing things in our lives. That happened as a result of people like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, right, Marie Curie, there’s a lot of people who have done things in their lifetime that have trickled down throughout the ages. And so now if I think about that, that means that the people who want to build a legacy are not building a small business, right? They may be generating the wealth they want, but they’re not going to be creating a legacy, meaning something that’s going to last multigenerational, okay. And then making an impact, making an impact I was thinking come in a lot of different forms.

So the mission of what you’re trying to do in your company is really vital to attracting the right customers, the right vendors, the right employees, right, and also the right investors. When we talk about investing, if investors don’t believe in where you’re trying to take your company, they’re not going to want to be on board. Plain and simple. Okay, so I have this little pyramid back here, we put up and you know, I’m not going to go through all of it right now. But we have personal that we have vision, objectives, strategy and tactics. So many entrepreneurs start way up here, okay. They started the tactics, and why did they do that?

Because they know that they have to work with what they got, like, okay, I just need to go get a customer. How do I get a customer? Well, I gotta go sell something, what am I gonna sell? Okay, I’ve got this product, right. And so they work through that, and they start tactically. And that’s great, because that gets the business going. But then along the way, you have to start thinking about, okay, what’s my mission, right. And the mission is foundational to all of that. The mission is what is going to inspire other people to want to work with, you want to do business with, you want to be partners, with you, and all of that. So creating that mission is profoundly important at the onset of your business. And once you’ve created that vision mission, then you create that vision, that vision is okay, what’s the big picture goal that I want to strive for in the next 10 to 20 years? Right?

So if I said, my, my big vision for Ayane is to generate a billion dollars in in wealth transference through angel investing entrepreneurship, that’s a big goal, right? That’s really big. Now, my goal is, of course, to hit that and just, you know, a few years, and then we change the vision, we move the vision down a little bit further afield. So now what are we to do? Maybe now we are the largest angel investors community in the world. Okay, so that changes the vision a little bit, but again, the mission is still the same, reading wealth, building a legacy and making an impact. Okay, so hopefully that clears it up a little bit for the difference between the mission and the vision, the vision can still kind of move the goalposts a little bit because you may actually get to a point or like oh, Wow, that happened sooner than I thought now we need to get, we need to think even bigger, we need to go broader. But the mission is what’s happening as a result of you doing the work on a daily basis? Does that answer any of those questions? Diana?

You sure did you did a great job of answering those questions. You know, I mean, making sure that that we tied into and I know, a lot of what we’re talking about today is going to lead into, you know, starting more what we’re going to be talking about, about objectives and goals and going into, into those things, um, just to kind of wrap it up, not wrap it up, but kind of clear up when we’re talking about the difference in mission and vision.

You know, as it’s defined online, it says, an organization’s mission defines the overall purpose of the organization. So like we were talking about earlier, Starbucks overall purpose was that he wanted to create the atmosphere that when he was in Italy, he felt there were people relaxed and took their time and it wasn’t a run in and run out. Which, you know, if we compare the two coffee giants in the US, I would call them it would be what Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are probably, those two are probably the biggest competitors there. You walk into Dunkin Donuts, you grab your coffee, and whatever else that you’re grabbing, and you leave. Yep. Right? You walk into Starbucks, and you look around and yeah, there’s like, there’s, there’s people on their computers and business meetings happen and, and kids and laughing and joking. And sometimes there’s just someone sitting there reading the newspaper, and they’re just sitting and relaxing. So it’s a different field, that all goes back to his mission and his vision, you know, his vision is how he wants his life and his business to run, his mission is a little bit more concrete, you know, it’s a little bit more, you can see where that that that’s going, you know, a vision is so big, like, I just want to travel the world whenever I want, where my mission would be more like, my goal, you know, my mission is to put together a lifestyle and a wealth, you know, work to build to be able to have the flexibility in my life to make the moves that I want to move, while continuing to work more, you know, to define it, I want to be able to work by I travel. So there’s those things. So I really love that, what I’d like to hear a little bit more on and you kind of started it was you were like the investors want to know, what’s your mission and vision is for a company. So if you could touch a little bit more on how important it is to have a clear defined mission statement know what it means and know how to apply it to scale and attract investors. Let’s talk a little bit more about that and why the investors look at it.

Jeff Barnes 

Yeah, absolutely. So one of the the superpowers I’m gonna say that I have is working with clients, and they come to me with 10,000 different ideas about what they’re trying to do and how they’re trying to do. And we have to pull out of that story. Okay, because a lot of our clients are going out there, they’re trying to raise money they want to go, maybe there’s their their seed round, or they’re just getting, you know, some revenue in the door. And so they want to scale up big. Well, in order to scale up big and go fast, you have to be really clear on where you’re going, right? If I had, you know, an entire family a caravan of cars out front, I said, Alright guys, here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna take all of you guys, we’re gonna all get in the car, and I want you guys to get on the road and just start driving I want you to, well, you know, let’s say we want to go on vacation. We’re just going to drive. Okay? And everybody there is like,

Okay, cool. I’m gonna go this way. I’m gonna go that way. Oh, well, Wait, where are we going? Oh, you’re right. Now we want to go on a family vacation. I’ll tell you what, let’s head west, let’s all go west. And then somebody might take this road, that one and you again, at least are going to send same general direction, but they’re not really going. And then you might say, Okay, well, really, what I want you to do is I want you to go here, the directions to get there. Okay, that’s great. Now they’re, they’re doing all the same things. They’re going in the same roads, but they still don’t necessarily know where they’re going to end up, right? versus if I said, Hey, listen, everybody, what I want you to do is I want you to get in your cars, and we’re going to go to Long Beach. And I want you guys to be in Long Beach by 9pm tomorrow night. Okay, what does that do?

How does that change the entire process? See, a lot of founders, they will treat their employees like those people in the car. Okay, like the caravan will say alright guys, here’s we’re gonna do we’re gonna build this huge company. We’re gonna have all these really cool things. I want you guys to really start working on it right now. Let’s go. And we only cool Well, I know what I need to do today. But then the founder comes like, you know what, I had another idea. Let’s do this and right, and now they get really confused. And then the next week comes and they have another idea. Okay? versus now you have somebody that comes in all right, listen, that’s great. But we want to move like at least kind of in the same direction. Let’s, let’s focus on which direction we’re going. And okay, cool. Let’s go west, right? And so they might say, Alright, we’re gonna, we’re gonna try and shoot this, this revenue target. This is what our goal is we’re gonna we’re gonna hit $10 million in revenue. Okay, so that means we’re building things to generate revenue.

Okay, this salespeople can understand. But again, it’s you’re not all on the same page, and then you start giving them directions. Now what happens? Well guess what, you just became a micromanager. And if you’re giving them directions you’ve overstepped you completely overshot what you’re trying to do, and now you’re telling people, okay, Randy, this, we do this, we’re gonna do this. Okay? So that means that now you’ve become the micromanager. You’re the supervisor, you’re the manager, the director, you’re the VP, you’re the CEO, the CFO, you’re everything, right? And you’ve literally just completely blown any time or chance you haven’t been visionary anymore. Okay, versus that last one, which is Listen, I want everybody get in their cars by 9pm. Tomorrow night, we’re all gonna be in Long Beach. Here’s the restaurant we’re going to meet at, let’s all meet up there at nine o’clock. Okay, what that does for your team, is it says, Okay, cool.

Now I know where to go. I may not know exactly how to get there. But again, if you hire the right team, this goes back to the culture, there’s so many pieces that go in this. Now they might understand that they can create a little bit of leeway here, they have a little bit of wiggle room to go ahead and figure out their own way there. And now your investors come in, they look at it, and they go, Okay, I understand where you’re going, right? Because now you’re telling a story. You’re saying, Listen, we are going to be the biggest angel investor community in the world, we’re all going to be online. And we’re going to have live and virtual events to really support entrepreneurs around the world, growing their businesses, which is going to result in XYZ, right? And now an investor can look at and be like, okay, now I get it. Now I get what you’re trying to build.

Now I might have more questions about Okay, how are you going to do that? Right? That’s the roadmap, right? Now you have to have the pitch deck, the executive summary, the presentations down, you have to have the business plan dialed in, you have to have the right those all those things all come later. But we don’t start with that. If we start with that, all we do is we muddy it up. And they might be like, Listen, all I wanted to know was what is this company look like if you get all the funding you need, and you actually are successful, right?

Imagine if Larry Page and Sergey came to investors, and they said, Alright, here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna start creating this algorithm. And here’s what the algorithm looks like. And here’s how it’s typed out. And this is what happens when you go to the algorithm. No, no, right? No, they didn’t do that. Of course, there were some technical people that wanted to learn that once they got on the boards and sat in there, but they didn’t start with that. They created something really simple that says, Listen, we’re gonna organize the world’s information, make it available at your fingertips. Oh, cool. That’s, that’s very clear and understandable, right? And so what ends up happening is when you get clear on your mission, it’s forcing you to get clarity in your mind that you can then articulate to other people. Because here’s the biggest challenge that a lot of founders have. A lot of founders and myself included, right? I’ve had to think about this a lot over the years for my companies, which is we get so enthralled in the creative process, and we love doing it and we love creating something new, but we forget that everybody else doesn’t see inside our brain.

Not only that, but they don’t see even if we have spilled it out on our mouth. If we could, they wouldn’t understand it, right? Even we show them all the things, people don’t get it. So the beauty of a mission statement, right, JPMorgan Chase, we want to become the best financial services company in the world. Okay, that’s a lot easier for them to understand. Now you might have to go and say, Okay, what does that what does that look like? That’s a lot clear. And Walmart, right? We want to save people money to make their lives better.

Very clear. Very simple, very easy. It’s one sentence Generally, if it takes more than two or three sentences, sorry, but you don’t have a great mission statement. You’ve got to whittle it down to like one clear, concise statement that people can understand. And then they can say, okay, cool that that sounds awesome. The next logical thing is how do you do that? Right? What does that look like right? And so that’s what you want to think about when you’re creating your own mission statement is what is it that’s going to make other people go Hey, I like that idea. I even want to come work with you or I want to come invest in you and I really want to help you make this happen because I have the same type of idea or belief. Yeah, go ahead.

So definitely Okay, great. So you kind of answered some of the things that I was going to touch on one How long does a mission statement need to be a mission statement short concise and to the point keep it simple silly. You know my mom used to say something else but we’ll keep it was silly to me a little bit nicer here. One sentence it should not you know, not a huge 15 comments sentence. You know, just like what you were saying. The other thing is is like so if I picture this in my head and we kind of look at it from a different type of way on how people process things here, if we look at let’s say Disney movies, especially like the princess series, and I know you have boys but you know, we all know send a Rayleigh, we all know Sleeping Beauty. You know the process.

Jeff Barnes 

I know frozen theme songs like the back of my hand.

Well, I am so happy mine is older than frozen and I’m not hearing that one play in my head. The songs and the sounds were a lot easier. Lion King was a lot more fun to listen to frozen. But as we know you No, those all end up with the you know, the Prince and the princess find each other they live happily ever after. And life goes on. So when you were talking, the idea kind of went in my head one because I’m an avid reader and you know, a movie watcher or whatever. But mostly reading is, the mission statement is almost like telling you the last page of the book, but not telling you how they got to the last page, right?

We know that Sleeping Beauty is going to fall in love with Prince Charming and like that I haven’t I don’t know how to write the wrong characters, whoever, Cinderella and Prince Charming sorry, we know that they’re gonna end up together, we don’t know the trauma and the tribulations that’s going to happen or the work that has to go into it. And all this step by step steps, we just know that the main mission of this movie this book, is that these two characters are going to get married and live happily ever after. But it’s a mission and something that you can say to where someone else can go, Okay, I got you. This is what’s gonna happen. You’re writing the story of your life or your business, and you’re in point is to help businesses grow and become attractive, you know, to be scalable, investable, and sellable. Perfect, you’re building a business that helps your goal is to do that. Next we’re going to be working on and we’re going to start talking a little bit about that next week. So Jeff, you have, you know, a week to get your notes together, and how we take our mission and our vision, and start putting actionable steps into place. start breaking it down in some things. And of course, we’re not going to give away all the key secrets.

We’re not going to craft a vision and mission or craft or goals. We’re just going to give you some tidbits. And we’re we also have here on the comments. And we’ve had some pretty good comments going on, Jeff, while you were talking and some people that were asking some questions, I’ve jumped in there, the link to go in there, which I don’t know if we mentioned this, but when you go into our link, you get two things besides being able to connect directly with myself to be able to get to you. And one of those is this amazing ebook that’s super easy to read on becoming a Rainmaker what a Rainmaker is. Do you want to be a Rainmaker? Do you not want to be a Rainmaker? If you don’t want to be a Rainmaker? How do you stop it, just some really good tidbits that we can help you with that.

And then there’s this short little evaluation that we have for you takes about 15 minutes of your time well worth any time and effort that you put, because remember, this is about working on your business, not in your business. And these are some things that are working on your business to help you scale, it’s going to give you a score in some areas, it’s going to automatically email you this over this short little information on some areas, we’re going to jump on a call, we’re going to talk about the areas that it says that you’re really good in areas you need to work on, where you’re hitting quite a target, and evaluate where you need to go to take it to those things. So not only are you going to get the opportunity to become scalable, investable, and sellable. But you’re going to get some of these free resources from us in these free trainings to continue. Now what I really like to see before we end this here in the next 60 seconds, and Jeff says goodbye, I’d really like to see a little bit more engagement on there.

So instead of asking you to tell me what your mission is, and your vision is, like I did last week, I’m gonna ask you to say what would you I’m gonna put a challenge out there, Jeff has no idea what’s about to come out of my mouth. I want to get the questions and engagement, I want to get 20 questions from our Facebook audience, combined from your personal page, draft, my personal page, the angel network pages, I want to get 20 business questions or 20 questions that people want to ask about angel investors network. And if we get to the 20 by next week, we’ll put up by Monday, something crazy you’re gonna do during the live? I don’t know if it’s something. Love

Jeff Barnes 

it. Okay, well, how about this? How about everybody who asked a question, we’ll go ahead and send them a copy of my book online, all hands on deck, which will help them we’ll send an electronic copy of that, and right now it’s not free. It’s not free at all. It sells on Amazon. But well, if anybody has a question, we’ll do that. And then Diana, we’ll see about this crazy stuff you want me to do what? Man

I know you’re gonna find a way to wiggle out the crazy but

Jeff Barnes 

I’m open to a lot of fun things to see what it looks like.

That’s all Yeah, we got to set up a challenge here coming soon. I feel a challenge coming on, you know, don’t worry. It’s not going to be anything like dumping a bottle, you know, bucket of ice on your head or anything, but we’ll work on that. So here you hear it. Now I’m going to pin it in the comments. Anybody that submits a question to a business question that is asked before next week’s live will will email out a copy to Jeff’s book. So when you submit your question, please make sure that I have your email address so I know how to send it. And we’ll go from there. Jeff, what else do you have to say before we wrap it up?

Jeff Barnes 

No, I really enjoyed this. I appreciate everybody staying on and asking those questions. I love keeping it to 30 minutes too because you can cover a lot more stuff quickly that way. And yeah, just like like Dana said, guys ask your questions. That’s what this is all about this called asked me anything. So if you’re not asking any questions, then really I’m just talking to the screen and hoping that you guys are getting some value out of it. But go ahead and ask any questions. You know, we I’ve been involved in hundreds of different businesses. So there’s very few things that I haven’t seen from a business perspective or business development or growth perspective that I haven’t seen. But yeah, ask away and and try and stop me. If you can stop me and you think I’m doing a terrible job and call me out on that, too. But I love it when people actually ask questions and engage.

Yeah, definitely. Yeah, you know, just because we’re up here talking on the live doesn’t mean that we can’t learn either. So if you have anything more you want to add, so you know about mission and vision and why you find it important. And anything that we missed, you know, submitted in there, we know we didn’t cover everything, you can’t definitely cover everything about building a business in 30 minutes. But we just want to help you get there and get you in some of this stuff we’re talking about right now is helping to build you, um, to get to the place where you are that ideal fit for angel investors network. Remember, we talked about this in the past not, you know, you’re not always ready for for different levels, you know, you gotta you gotta walk before you crawl.

So if you’re still in that crawling stage, I’m sorry, I said that backwards. Before you walk, we’re going backwards. So if you’re still in that crawling stage, you’re getting to walking in the running, you know, we’re going to provide these little tidbits to help get you to be ready. So that is our time with you is the most impactful that it can be. And with that, I’m gonna I’m gonna sign off and go back to the Facebook page, see what’s going on. I’m going to pin that offer. Create a nice little post up there to kind of remind people throughout the week that if they ask a question, they get a free copy of your book. Super excited because I didn’t get a free copy of your book.

Jeff Barnes 

Well, it’s backed up in a box right now, but I’m sure we can make that happen. Diane,

yeah, I asked lots of questions. This is true. This is true.

Jeff Barnes 

Alright guys. Well, thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate everybody have a great weekend. I’m looking forward to those questions.

Talk to you later, Jeff. Bye, guys. Bye.

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John Reighard, Partner & EVP

John Reighard is a Partner at Angel Investors Network, where he leverages his expertise in business development, networking, and investor relations to help entrepreneurs secure funding and scale their businesses. With a passion for connecting people and ideas, John plays a pivotal role in fostering strategic partnerships and guiding business owners toward sustainable success. In addition to his work with Angel Investors Network, he also owns and operates two other small businesses.


A Connector and Networking Extraordinaire, Business Coach/Consultant, and Inspirational Speaker, John is deeply committed to helping individuals and businesses achieve meaningful results. His mission is to empower entrepreneurs and leaders to create lasting impact through strategic growth, financial acumen, and powerful relationship-building.


John has trained with, been mentored by, and provided consulting services to some of the world’s top thought leaders in personal development and business transformation, including Jack Canfield (America’s #1 Success Coach and Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul), Stephen Covey, T. Harv Eker, Bob Proctor, Blair Singer, Robert Kiyosaki, Neil Rackham, Marcia Wieder, and Roger (Bud) Seith. These experiences have shaped his ability to guide clients through personal and professional growth, helping them unlock their full potential.


Before joining Angel Investors Network, John took a sabbatical in 2002, living with his family in Norway, Portugal, and France—an enriching experience that followed 15 award-winning years in Silicon Valley. During his time in the tech industry, he worked for leading companies such as Lucent Technologies, Exodus Communications, Octel Communications, and Brady Corporation.

Meet Jeff Barnes

Jeff Barnes is a former US Navy Nuclear power plant operator on a Submarine, Navy diver, risk management director, technology enthusiast, business growth expert, advisor and management consultant. Mr. Barnes sits on the boards of startup companies, runs a venture fund, supports non-profits supporting military vets, and spends most of his time helping CEOs and founders of growing companies automate, systemize, and scale to 8 and 9-figure valuations.


With over 20 years of technology, systems, operations, and marketing experience, Mr. Barnes has advised over 1,000 companies, invested tens of millions in advertising campaigns, and helped companies generate over $1 billion in investment capital.


As the chairman of Angel Investors Network and founder of Digital Evolution Marketing Group, Mr. Barnes has worked with founders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs around the world to accelerate the growth of their businesses and achieve substantial exits. He’s a father, husband, veteran, business owner, advisor, and mentor, and his true passion in life his helping others achieve success, freedom, and autonomy in theirs.