And are you wearing that badge with pride?
Perhaps you think of yourself as a rainmaker… the person responsible for all the sales, capital, and momentum in your business? Well, is that a good thing? Here to answer that is CEO Jeff Barnes.
Diana Tsakiris 09:44:43
Happy Thursday, everybody and welcome to episode number six of Ask Me Anything with CEO Jeff Barnes. Good morning, Jeff, how is your coffee meeting doing this morning? It’s doing great. Great, great, great lunchtime meeting here is going good for me. So just to kind of summarize first, um, thank you, everybody on in our Facebook following that wish me happy birthday yesterday, it really made me feel loved and special. I appreciate that. Also, we are going to talk about today. How many hats in role or roles Do you play in your business? Are you doing them all? Or have you had other experts in there to help you with it? And if you are doing multiple roles in your business, what are the last pieces of that helping your business to grow? Or is it slowing your growth and is there things that you can put into place to help you delegate or technology or processes or things so that you are working on your business more than working in your business so that we can get that eight to nine figure valuation for you to make you scalable, investable, sellable for one, and also so that we can get it so that you can live that American dream, which is like have that schedule that you want and not be tied to a desk. So Mr. Barnes, I’m going to go kind of check in and out of our Facebook page on the comment section so that we can do live, we’ve had a lot of great comments, I’m going to let you talk, I’m going to come back and forth to the live and we’re going to go from there. I’m going to hand it over.
Jeff Barnes 09:46:14
All right, wonderful. Thank you, Diana. Yeah, I’m happy to be here today, I got my workout in this morning. So I’m really feeling good. And you know, well rested. Of course, that’s an important thing for waking up and being on your A game. Today, let’s talk about, you know, wearing too many hats inside your business. And when we say wearing too many, too many hats, it really means are you doing more inside your business, then really you should be. And I’m gonna tell you, I’m just as guilty as anyone of about this, especially when you’re running your own business and you’re a solopreneur, you’re literally doing everything, right, you’re in charge of marketing and branding, and lead generation and finance and paying the taxes and making sure that your corporate records are kept up. And then hiring and of course, you’re also fulfilling, right. So whatever product or service you have, you’re then going out there and trying to fulfill on those obligations that you sold. And it’s not the right way to build a business, okay, it’s something you have to do. And everybody, I think, when you are starting out on something brand new, that you’ve never done before, and you don’t have money and you don’t have a team, you’re gonna have to go through that you’re gonna have to take your lumps. And that’s actually a good thing, right? I do believe that that is a good thing to learn the hard way the first time, because it teaches you and gives you a little bit of respect and appreciation for all the rules inside your company that you need to have. And generally speaking, you know, especially if you’re a technology company, right, we focus a lot on technology companies, SAS e commerce, things like that. And the technologist, the person is the coder. And the developer is also generally the founder and the CEO, which means they’ve got to learn how to do all their stuff, their technical skills, but then they have to learn on the business side of things too. And in doing so, what ends up happening is they learn a little bit about everything. And they become, you know, the the jack of all trades, master of none, right. And you’ve probably heard that term before. And that’s not what you want to be. You see, when you’re getting a business going. It’s important and vital that you understand all the intricacies of your business. But in order to scale up, you need to graduate, you need to graduate into what we call the CEO role. The Chief Executive Officer, not the chief, everything officer, right? When you start a business.
Diana Tsakiris 09:48:22
Wait a minute, let’s say that one more time. I really, really like that. So when you’re running a business and you’re trying to scale, you want to be the chief. Everything office, no, no, the chief executive officer, not the chief everything officer. I’m really good at doing everything.
Jeff Barnes 09:48:43
Yeah, you might be. And the fact of the matter is that you can get everything done if you have enough time. But how long do you want to take before you actually grow your business? See, when I the very first company that I started, when I was 21 years old, was financial planning and financial advice. I was actually still in the Navy at the time. And the mentor and the guy who got me started and this really helped me out. So you want to know the trick to being successful is inside your business. You have to learn how to work 100 hours a day. And you look at that you go well that’s kind of silly. How in the world am I going to work 100 hours a day he goes exactly. So what do you mean exactly? That doesn’t make any sense because well, you the chief everything officer or the chief executive officer, so Okay, that makes sense, I guess but what do you mean we dive into that a little bit more? And he said his name was Robert and Robert was really successful. It was a great financial planter is a great coach and a great leader. And Robert, his wife had built up this financial planning company and started teaching me how to do this. And what he said is, you can not do everything, there’s 100 hours worth of work to do when you’re just when you’re getting started. Never mind when you start growing, and that’s per day. So if you want to do 100 hours per day worth of work, then you’ve got to find a way to replicate or duplicate yourself, or offload certain responsibilities, you literally cannot do everything in your business. But if you makes a lot of sense, yeah, if you’re gonna sit down and say, Okay, well, I’ve got to pay my vendors, well, then you have to go, you have to review the books, you have to make sure you have money in the bank, any of that, make sure that you have the right invoices, and they have to cut the checks or go do the wire transfers or submit the bill pay online, like there’s a lot of things to do, that in and of itself could take an hour to an hour and a half a day or at least a week, right? Then you have to do your payroll, same thing, then you have to look at your marketing your lead generation. And if you’re just doing the tasks, and this what we find a lot of time is people just start doing the tasks, that leaves very little time to think. And if you’re not thinking, then how are you going to be an effective leader inside your business? How are you going to really focus on the growth of your company, he’s
Diana Tsakiris 09:50:54
just really blew my mind right there. So what you’re saying is menial tasks, like payroll, which are not menial, because we have to pay but things that need to be done somebody, you can hire somebody else to do payroll and pay the vendors so that you can focus on the more higher higher level thinking. I mean, you wouldn’t hire, say, a Chief Technology Officer that’s supposed to develop and write all this code for an amazing new app, and then expect that person to go down and pay the guy that comes in and vacuums the floors every night. The exact things that you wouldn’t think to do that you’d be like, this guy makes too much. So if you’re not going to make him the chief everything officer, why would you be? So I just want to make sure that’s clear. And everybody hears that one more time. And then I’ll start to start talking. And let you continue. You want to be the chief executive officer. So CE O stands for Chief Executive Officer, not chief everything officer. And I see that Tom Tom great, yes. Well, you know what, Tom, we definitely need to jump on a call so we can talk more about how to help you get to where you can hire some more roles. I love how Tom always jumps in and talks to us here on there. Well, I’m gonna shut up now and let you keep going. But that super be the chief executive officer, not the chief everything officer.
Jeff Barnes 09:52:16
Yeah, exactly. And, and as the the CEO of a company, obviously, you’re involved in the day to day operations and making sure things are happening, and you have to hold people accountable, right? This starts getting into leadership. And you know, everything is a little bit different between various businesses. But the point of the matter is that you can’t do everything. And so as quickly as you can need to get out of doing everything. And you need to find a way to do that. This is of course, where most people end up saying, well, I need to go raise money. Because I don’t have a team, I need to go raise capital, because if I don’t have any money, I can’t hire people. And here’s another sound piece of advice I got from another mentor of mine. Her name is Laurel and luck, you might actually know her Laurel I admire. So I was in laurels mastermind several years ago, and she was my love Laurel. Yeah. So she was my coach early, early on. And we were talking about, okay, well, I don’t have any money to really start my company. I know what I want to do. But I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know how to hire people. And I’m really thinking I need to bring people on and said, so what I’m thinking about doing is giving equity away in the company to grow it. And she had another sound piece of advice that, you know, sometimes it bites us if we don’t listen to advice. And we realize the importance of that advice later on, when we’ve already learned the lesson the hard way. And she said don’t give away equity for something even higher. And you look at that, he said, that’s great, but I don’t have any money to hire anyone. Well, then you have to get creative. Right? So let’s think about what is the lifeblood of most businesses. If it doesn’t happen, business doesn’t grow. That’s sales, right? Without sales, most businesses will not succeed. Yes, there are several businesses out there that just raised a whole bunch of capital. And eventually they just grow and grow and grow because they’ve been given hundreds of millions of dollars. But they’re only given those hundreds of millions of dollars because they’re going to generate revenue at some point. Okay. So the lifeblood of any business is sales. Well, if I’m saying, Listen, I don’t have any money right now. And I really can’t afford to hire anyone. Then what do we need to do? We need to get really good at a sales process. And maybe we need to do it ourselves. And then we hire somebody to do the sales and even if we don’t have any money, right now we say, listen, what I’m going to do is I’m going to pay you on commission. I’m going to give you a commission for every sale you bring in and you can even sell With just a referral, right, so they don’t have to work for you full time, they can literally say, Okay, I know what you do, Jeff. And I know that how you help companies really raise money. So what we’ll do is we’ll start referring business over to you. And if of course, if you help them, then you have to pay us money. That’s a great way to get started. Because then you don’t have to go out there and do a whole lot of selling, you have other people bringing you business. And once you get to a point, you can hire a salesperson on commission only, maybe you’re paying them 1520 30% depending on the type of sale they’re making, right? If it’s a very technical sale, and they have to be there, and they have to handle for months or years to get the sale done and keep the account going. Probably going to pay a higher commission, right? Well, that’s a good way to start getting some money coming in the door. The other thing is learning marketing. Okay, this is something that a lot of people have gone out there and studied. A lot of my friends and even mentors in the marketing world, the Dan Kennedy, the David Ogilvy’s, the Jay RAMs, they started studying that. And they learned the system’s behind that and they start working on their marketing. And then what happens? Well, they become the chief marketing officer and the Chief Executive Officer and the salesperson, again, they go back down this road of wearing too many hats. So when you’re starting a business, it gets really easy to be the chief everything officer. But you’ve got to find ways to step into what we like to call your zone of genius. Your zone of genius is, what’s that thing that you do so well, that you literally can’t have somebody else step in and do that. You really think that
Diana Tsakiris 09:56:02
goes back to Episode One, Jeff, where we talked about, if you had to start over what is the one thing you would do, right, and we kind of keep going back into that. And we look at these things. And I really like how you gave a creative option. I have, you know, I don’t have any money in the bank, I need to get new, new new clients in the door, right? But it is worth it to me, let’s just use some round numbers, I sell something for $1,000 it’s worth it to me to give 30 $300 to somebody to bring me that $1,000 why I’m building my business, right? And you get people to work instead of giving them equity because equity is doesn’t mean anything, if the business isn’t making any money, and nobody puts any money in it and you can’t sell it is the equity. It’s kind of like you can’t get anything out of you know, 000, right. So equity kind of goes that way until the business grows. Now we don’t ever want to look at our business and say that because it’s our babies right there. They’re our love and our joy, but to get out there and get there. So and we’ve had a couple of people in the comment section talking about how they don’t know how to get past that my recommendation to those of you that are saying that, you know, yes, it does take money to go out there and sell and build a sales team and get things you have to step away from certain things. Bernadette is going to go ahead and she’s a new member of our team. Hey, Bernadette, we just want to say hi to you. She’s gonna go in there and put my scheduling link in there. She’s gonna put some other links in the comment sections. Tom, jump on a call with me. Let’s get let’s get that going. Alright, Jeff, back to you.
Jeff Barnes 09:57:37
Yeah, awesome. So I want to address that concern right now. Right? So the the zone of genius, is something you’re so good at that you literally should not stop doing that. And I don’t want to give away the term that we use for this person in your business, but a lot of people’s zone of genius, what they think of as being that Rainmaker, right, and the rainmakers zone of genius, if you will, is you know, we talked about making it rain, and you see the the videos, these guys just, you know, blast $100 bills, making it rain, right? What does that mean bringing the money in. So if what you’re good at is selling, and you’re you make that happen, then find sell, that’s great. A lot of entrepreneurs are not great at selling, right? Let’s just be honest here. You know, what they’re great at is the product or the service or the deliverable. Like one of the things that I’m great at, is looking at really complex businesses, and figuring out how to systemize them, procedures, realize them and then automate them, right, automate a lot of things that need to happen. And I can take that and I can use technology, I can use people, I can use processes, I can do all this. Well, if I were to step away from that, to then also try and fill your role, then it’d be the VP of business development, guess what, I’m not building the systems, and I’m not setting up the company for long term success. Instead, I’m trying to focus on sales. And so I’m saying,
Diana Tsakiris 09:59:00
I won’t be able to do what I need to do, and I can’t do what you need to do. Exactly. We’re working on our zone of genius.
Jeff Barnes 09:59:07
Exactly, we’ve got to stay in that zone of genius. And in order to do that, you really have to find the right people that can fit on your team. Now, I want to address this, well, I don’t have any money at all, and I’m trying to get something started. Okay, I’m going to tell you what mentors have told me from day one, which is you’ve got to take care of yourself. First. You’ve got to figure out a way to make money for yourself before you try and go out there and build a business. If you don’t know how to make money for yourself, then it’s gonna be really hard to go out there and build a business because essentially what you’re telling the world Is I’m not good enough to make money and take care of myself. But I want you to give me money because I can help you in some way. All right? It’s a psychological thing that’s happening where if you are coming from an angle of desperation, whether you’re going after an investor or you’re trying to generate sales, guess what? That desperation, people can sense that they can feel that, and you may lose a sale, and you don’t know why. It’s literally because there’s this energy shift that’s happening, where you are putting out there that you are desperate for money, and you just need to make a sale, right. And as a result, people be like, you know what, I don’t really want to work at this person. I don’t really know why, but I’m just not getting that great buy. Okay, here’s what I’m gonna say to those people that are broke, and they’re, they’re wanting to start a business, they want to go out there, but they don’t know how to get started. They don’t know how to make money, go out there and find somebody else’s products that are great products, right. So for example, we teach people how to raise capital, we help them create a scalable business, an investable business, and then a sellable business. And we teach them every step of the way. So our clients will pay us six figures to help them make seven or eight, right? And that’s the value exchange they get if they come to us, and they say, Hey, you know what, I really want to go out there, I’m making, you know, seven figures right now, but I want to be able to make eight and I want to eventually sell for nine, Okay, great, it’s gonna cost you $250,000. And it’s gonna take at least a year to two or maybe three years, but at the end of that time, you’re probably gonna have, you know, 5 million 10 million, maybe $50 million in funding or an exit, right? Because we know that process.
Diana Tsakiris 10:01:10
So exactly makes sense, it kind of goes back to that, if I need, I can sell my product for $1,000. I don’t have any coming in right now. But if I pay Jeff $300, when he brings me that $1,000 in, I make seven. It’s another stepping stone to kind of grow you what you’re saying is, it’s worth paying us to get to that 50 million 100 million valuation or sale because we’re helping you grow. So you got to have to look at how the process goes and building on that. You’re right
Jeff Barnes 10:01:40
that’s what I’m saying that’s that’s the value change what we give the client but again, if you’re coming at it from the standpoint of I’m a new entrepreneur that doesn’t have any money, doesn’t know how to raise capital doesn’t know how to sell really well. What maybe what you would do is say, Hey, you know what, I know about five or six other people who would love to learn what AI n does, why don’t you make an introduction, and have a conversation with somebody like our company that says, You know what, I know these companies that could really benefit from you, would you be willing to pay me a commission or a finder’s fee to bring these people over? Right? This is called affiliate marketing, alright, without referral fees, or finders fees, or so on. But if you literally do not have a product and you don’t have any money, and you don’t have anything that you can sell in your it’s gonna take you a year, two years to build something that you’re going to finally be able to make money with, or raise capital, go out there and start selling somebody else’s stuff. And you don’t even have to be the salesperson, you can really just start by making introductions. Right? So for example, you could have every single company under the sun needs bookkeepers, accountants CPAs, those types of people do you know, 10 1520 other people who could benefit from having a referral to a CPA? The answer is probably yes. Right? So maybe you start by saying, Hey, listen, I need to make some money. And I want to go out there and help these people as well. I know this incredible CPA, what if I just play matchmaker and they pay me a small referral fee for doing that? Alright, that’s the way you get, start getting a little bit of money coming in for yourself, that will cover your monthly expenses so that when you’re building your business, you’re literally not trying to go out there and, and desperately beg for money from other people. It puts
Diana Tsakiris 10:03:17
not as great, great advice. And my email address is in the comment section. So anybody that wants to talk to me a little bit more on how affiliate marketing goes, I can go back and forth to do some emails, we might be able to jump on a phone call. But we kind of steered a little bit away from what we were talking about, we’re on topic, but we went a little bit deeper into a different area, which is okay, because this is our show, and we can do what we want, because it’s you know, our show, but I would like to kind of focus a little bit more on how do we know, when we are doing too many roles, and it’s making our business stagnant. And when do we need to look into other areas? And what are those other areas that we can look into, for those of us that, you know, have low budgets to be able to grow. And for those of you out there, I started and got to Jeff through affiliate marketing is funny is how I did it. I started making connections and learning and that’s how I met someone like Jeff. That’s how I know LOral langemeier that’s how I know some of these other people that I know in my network is by referring people to their business, Chris Salem. I sent him business all the time. I love you, Chris. I can’t wait to connect with you again. And so it will help you grow. But let’s get on how do we get to that next level. What are some things can we do? Are there technology we can put into place? Is there people we can hire? Are there resources? Give us some ideas to kind of, you know, not all the answers obvious we’ll we can do that individually one on one because you do have to dig deeper. But give us some broad information here, Jeff, on how someone can get out of what I call the hamster wheel, running, running, running, running and never really getting anywhere because you’re doing you’re, you’re, you’re you’re cleaning the toilets, you’re paying the bills, you’re painting the widgets, you’re, you know, you’re like, wait a minute, I got into this business, because I love to cook and explore new dishes. And now I’m never in the kitchen. So how do we get these chefs back in the kitchen? Are these business owners back into where they should be using that higher level thinking power and creating?
Jeff Barnes 10:05:24
Yeah, so I actually flipped it on this one, right? So we talked about those people that were in the chat, they were saying, Hey, listen, I don’t have any money. How do I get there? Now let’s talk about the business owners like I have the product, I have the service, I actually know how to deliver this, I’ve built this whole thing up, I’ve been spending a year to three years getting but now I’m stuck, I’m stuck at a certain level, we have to assume a couple things, we have to assume you have a viable product that people want to buy, okay. And sometimes I hate to say it, but we get clients that have been working on something for 234 years. And they literally have never tested to find out people are willing to buy their product. And so they’re on this hamster wheel spinning and spinning and spinning, constantly trying to fit that round peg into that square hole. And it’s not working because they don’t realize that there’s maybe not a market for it. And they haven’t tested that. So I have to make an assumption here that your product is something that can be sold. Alright, I have to start with that. I will tell you that some of the biggest advice and best advice you can get is when somebody tells you, it’s time to stop and move on. That’s you know, you got to take that, you know, seriously because if somebody else has been successful is giving you that advice, there’s probably a reason for it. And it doesn’t mean that you need to quit and give up your hopes and dreams. But maybe you need to pivot your product, your service and things like that. Okay, so I’m going to start explaining the this assumption based off of having a product you can sell, or a service even so that you have sold. And now you’re like I just I can’t get past maybe it’s, you know, $10,000 a month in sales, maybe it’s $5,000 a month in sales, maybe you’re stuck at $1,000 a month in sales. Or even if you’re stuck in a million dollars a month in sales. And you can’t get past that. Here’s a really easy way to know if you are plateauing and you’re stuck, make a list of all the things that you find to be the most important things inside of your business right now. And I do this exercise with clients all the time, make a list of everything that needs to get done inside your business on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Right so there’s bookkeeping, there’s accounting, there’s taxes, there’s marketing, there’s lead generation, there’s checking out on your website, there’s doing the content, the blogs, and maybe you’re going to podcast, and then there’s also write, list everything out there, what you’re going to do is you’re gonna start taking these, you’re gonna put them into quadrants. And inside these quadrants, we have the things you love doing the things you hate doing. All right. And then you also have another question that says, the things you’re great at, and the things you suck at. So I’ll figure out drawing it out later. I don’t want to do it on the fly. But if you have love hate, and then good at suck at right here and divided into four quadrants, you’re gonna start putting those things into those various buckets, you’re gonna figure out okay, what are the things I love doing that I’m also great at, that’s your zone of genius. Everything else, you need to start thinking, Okay, how do I delegate it? How do I hire it out? Does it even need to get done right? And when you start finding out, here’s what happens a lot of people is they start putting a lot of stuff into the, you know, I absolutely hate doing it, but I’m still doing it. That’s how you know you’re at this point where you know what, I need to find somebody else to fill this role.
Diana Tsakiris 10:08:26
Ah, that makes a lot of sense, Jeff. And I think I’m gonna throw you on the spot here because you know, I’m great at throwing you on the spot. So that can go in my love pile because I love it. And I’m good at it. Well, we’ll put up another post to follow up with everything that we were talking about today. And I think between Jeff and I, we could whip up a little template on a quadrant that you can organize for you just a little PDF that you can write in so you can see what it looks like or put a graphic up on what he’s talking about drawing out instead of having him draw on the live. I think we can handle that. Right, Jeff?
Jeff Barnes 10:08:57
I’m sure we can figure that out pretty easily. I’m
Diana Tsakiris 10:08:59
sure we can between that between the two of us. But yeah, we’ve got about five six more minutes to wrap this up. I love org I love that you said create a list or put and then take that list create a list of everything you need to get done. Just brain dump it. When I was a classroom teacher, that’s what I used to tell my students we’re coming up on a project and what’s the best way to go? We’d erase all the dry erase whiteboards in the room, or put up all these big posted pieces of big giant butcher paper and just anything that we wanted to say we took out and then we organized it and we moved it around something similar to what you’re doing and it’s a great way for your brain to visualize and see things and go through that. What do you really want really love to do. So just really quick an example, some of the things that I have to do on a regular basis is, you know, talk to Jeff how Bernadette talk to and help clients grow and increase their revenue, work in the CRM, I absolutely hate the stupid CRM, but I know I have to do that I can’t hire somebody to work in the CRM and isn’t alone and the most important tools you can have on there. And I can probably do a whole two hour segment on why you need to do the CRM, which is funny that I hate it so much. But that’s kind of how we move things around and focus on what is it that we’re good at, which is why we bring in on some other tools in the CRM is so important, because this our, our technology can go in there and remind me to do some of the other things that I need to do, it can send out automations on things, so that Jeff and I are doing the things that we really, really love, which is working with our clients, and not in there going, Oh, this person needs this email, this person needs that, you know, we can kind of set certain things up. So that’s some really great advice. Now to wrap it up in this last five minutes before I talk about the people that we need to address in our comments. What else do you have to say on this? Jeff, you got about three and a half minutes,
Jeff Barnes 10:10:47
I’d say that using tools is vitally important. And then people need to really think creatively about how to solve problems, right, that’s part of being an entrepreneur is finding a way around the obstacle. And you know, there’s a book out there called the obstacle is the what is the way and the idea is that when you face an obstacle, a lot of people will just throw up their hands that you know, it’s too hard, I can’t do it, or you know, I’ll I can’t do the way it’s always been done. So I don’t know how to do it, versus an entrepreneur that says, You know what, the way it’s always been done is not the way I’m doing it now. And there’s another way I need to figure this out. So, for example, I do not like writing content, I personally do not enjoy sitting down and just writing stuff out. And brain dumping because I don’t know what to do. I really don’t know where to start with, you know, I’ve had 20 plus years of experience and worked in hundreds of different businesses and you know, help raise millions and millions of dollars. I literally don’t know where to start for Lowe’s. Guess what, we started asking me anything, because Diana says, You know, I have all these great ideas. And I’m also working with our clients. I know the questions are gonna ask, let’s ask Jeff. And if you’re asking me questions, guess what, now we have transcripts of this. Now we can create blog posts on this, now we create live videos out of this, it’s great, because now I can use my zone of genius, which is my experience and expertise in coaching other people. And we can funnel this into a process and use that process to grow. And then of course we have, we can use is a great resource to go out there and find somebody, maybe that person takes it and they take the content, they make it look pretty, and they put it on the blog post, right? So find a creative way around the challenges you’re facing. And if you can do that, then you’re going to be much better off, right. And the last thing I’m going to say is that we have this product and the other service, and you’re like stuck at this revenue, right? We were talking about that we’re stuck and we don’t have to go any further. One of the things I look at is going out there and doing some sort of joint venture affiliate marketing, right? Go out there, maybe this is what we talked about next week, which is your dream 100. Find the people who have your audience and go with work with them. Because guess what, that’s going to solve a big problem. I was actually talking with a client yesterday about whales, right? And we’ll describe what that is next week. But you want to go out there and find the whales because they’re going to be the ones are going to help your business the fastest. So that is a big thing that I would really focus on if you’re stuck at a certain level right now. And it’s just a much easier way to grow your business doing that.
Diana Tsakiris 10:13:21
Great, great. So I really like everything you said, I love how you pointed out how we creatively solved a problem we were having between the two of us, because it kind of started when I first was really getting to work with you and be side by side with you. And I was I was like, Jeff, I need to know more about you. What do I say? Where do I go? And you were like, I don’t know, ask me the question. And it kind of spun off on this great little segment that we’re doing. So perfect example of how to creatively solve things. Now we have a couple of things in here. Raymond, Billy, like I love what you’re saying in here. I really, really wanted learn more about this. This is a problem. It can be a problem when you’re looking to delegate where you’re not seeing the same level of standards that you expect to see that you feel that you’re putting out there. The great thing about Jeff and is is we don’t just work with you, Raman. We’re going to work with your entire team. We’ll help you with that team process so that we can keep those standards high. Please make sure Raman that you either email me at Diana angel investors net, Angel star angels network calm so that we can get this conversation moving. I really am interested in talking to you more. I’m going to send you a friend request and hit you up when I hang up on this as well. Or go to the scheduling link that Bernadette put in there. I want to make sure before we disconnect that William fence Yes, I saw your comment. Thank you. for filling out the form for Ask me anything. Great question about how what to do when you have credit scores also Alan, and the UK development, I’m going to be answering those questions between Jeff and I were collaborating. We’ve already talked about them a little personally, they don’t really hit a rock, this topic what we’re talking on today, but we will be addressing the question regarding credit and working a full time business what to do when you’re bootstrapping. So don’t think your questions have been ignored. They have definitely been because we didn’t address it today. I will address you one on one in an email and we’ll get the conversation started there. And then when we’re ready for that episode, we’ll put that up. It looks like Jeff has left a couple of teasers on what Episode Seven might be looking like, but I’m not gonna put anything final and announce that yet till Monday morning. 9am. Eastern, because I want you guys to go in there. We’re going to put the link in there for the question form so you can submit your questions. We really, really want to answer your questions and not just keep up to it. So if you’re getting our emails pay attention, we’re going to be sending out that link again for you to ask questions. If not look in the subject line right here in the comments to get that link. And by Monday morning night between before noon on Monday, Eastern Standard Time, I will announce what next week’s episode will be about. But I do want to see what questions come in over the weekend. And it’s 1230 which is a wrapped and I will see you Thursday at noon. Eastern and 9am. Pacific time next week. Have a great rest of your week and episode sevens coming next week. Thanks, Jeff. Thanks. Oh, yes, this zoom call is being recorded and you will be able to go back into the Facebook page for the person that asked that question.
Jeff Barnes 10:16:26
Absolutely. Alright guys. Have a great weekend.
Diana Tsakiris 10:16:29
Thank you. Bye, guys.