A Short Course in Class

Harvey MackayYou have probably heard the term, “He or she is a class act.” Of course, it’s always a compliment. But exactly what does that mean?

Class is easy to recognize but much harder to define. Similarly, the absence of class is easy to detect – and a serious flaw for anyone who aspires to be successful. First of all, class is not an “act.” It’s a deep seated way of life for those who possess it. Having class involves good manners, politeness, and pride without showboating, empathy, humility, and an abundance of self-control. The actions of class act people speak louder than their words. You can see it in their body language and the way they carry themselves. Class always shows without being announced.

People can tell if you have class by the way you interact with others. If you have class, you don’t need much of anything else to be a winner. If you don’t have it, no matter what you do, it won’t make up the difference. Money, notoriety or success by themselves won’t give you class. Class comes from within, not from external sources. As an explanation, I’ve created an acronym of what it means to be a class act:

C IS FOR CALM, COURTEOUS AND IN CONTROL. People who have class carry themselves in a certain way. They stay calm under pressure and don’t lose their temper. They are respectful and use good manners. They don’t use crude language or criticize or complain in public. They don’t interrupt others.

L IS FOR LIVING BY HIGH STANDARDS. Class acts set goals in both their career and personal life. They are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and push themselves beyond their limits to see how successful they can become.

A IS FOR ABOVE IT ALL. Class acts take the high road and refuse to stoop to the level of their adversaries. They don’t have to apologize for their unfortunate words because they know better than to give in to the heat of the moment.

S IS FOR SELF-RESPECT, AND RESPECT FOR OTHERS AS WELL. They don’t gossip or say mean and petty things about others. They take every opportunity to make others feel good about themselves and appreciated.

S IS FOR SELF-CONFIDENCE WITHOUT BEING ARROGANT. Class acts understand their abilities and are not afraid to use them. You can develop confidence, just like any muscle or character trait, if you are willing to work hard. Class acts also increase the confidence of others.

A IS FOR ACCOUNTABILITY. Class acts take responsibility for their actions and results, whether it’s a success or failure.

C IS FOR COMPASSION. Classy people understand that helping someone up will never pull you down. Compassion is a vital part of class acts. Compassion feels and whispers, “I’ll help.” Class acts really care.

T IS FOR TRUST, TRUTHFULNESS AND INTEGRITY ARE THE BASIS FOR TRUST. Classy people are trustworthy and understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality. To me the most important five-letter word in business is T-R-U-S-T.

In his book “The Success Principles,” my friend Jack Canfield lists “Be a Class Act” as Principle #55. What I found most intriguing are some of the reasons he lists as to why being a class act helps you succeed. He writes: “People want to do business with you or become involved in your sphere of influence. They perceive you as successful and someone who can expand their possibilities. They trust you to act with responsibility, integrity and aplomb. Class acts tend to attract people who are at the top of their game.” That’s true in the game of life or sports. Class athletes have an edge over their opponents. Why? Their poise allows them to concentrate better. They exhibit better confidence to play to their potential. An added plus: Classy athletes usually have the crowd behind them.                     So take a close look at your network of friends, co-workers, customers and so on. Are they class acts? Whether you realize it or not, they are a reflection of you. The good news is that you can change. Make a decision to recreate yourself as a class act and see what kind of people you start attracting. Do fewer things, but do them better. Change your behavior for the better. Raise the quality of your attitude. When you have a higher level of personal standards, you get better treatment from everyone around you.


A class act can say a lot without uttering a word.

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John Reighard, Partner & EVP

John Reighard is a Partner at Angel Investors Network, where he leverages his expertise in business development, networking, and investor relations to help entrepreneurs secure funding and scale their businesses. With a passion for connecting people and ideas, John plays a pivotal role in fostering strategic partnerships and guiding business owners toward sustainable success. In addition to his work with Angel Investors Network, he also owns and operates two other small businesses.


A Connector and Networking Extraordinaire, Business Coach/Consultant, and Inspirational Speaker, John is deeply committed to helping individuals and businesses achieve meaningful results. His mission is to empower entrepreneurs and leaders to create lasting impact through strategic growth, financial acumen, and powerful relationship-building.


John has trained with, been mentored by, and provided consulting services to some of the world’s top thought leaders in personal development and business transformation, including Jack Canfield (America’s #1 Success Coach and Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul), Stephen Covey, T. Harv Eker, Bob Proctor, Blair Singer, Robert Kiyosaki, Neil Rackham, Marcia Wieder, and Roger (Bud) Seith. These experiences have shaped his ability to guide clients through personal and professional growth, helping them unlock their full potential.


Before joining Angel Investors Network, John took a sabbatical in 2002, living with his family in Norway, Portugal, and France—an enriching experience that followed 15 award-winning years in Silicon Valley. During his time in the tech industry, he worked for leading companies such as Lucent Technologies, Exodus Communications, Octel Communications, and Brady Corporation.

Meet Jeff Barnes

Jeff Barnes is a former US Navy Nuclear power plant operator on a Submarine, Navy diver, risk management director, technology enthusiast, business growth expert, advisor and management consultant. Mr. Barnes sits on the boards of startup companies, runs a venture fund, supports non-profits supporting military vets, and spends most of his time helping CEOs and founders of growing companies automate, systemize, and scale to 8 and 9-figure valuations.


With over 20 years of technology, systems, operations, and marketing experience, Mr. Barnes has advised over 1,000 companies, invested tens of millions in advertising campaigns, and helped companies generate over $1 billion in investment capital.


As the chairman of Angel Investors Network and founder of Digital Evolution Marketing Group, Mr. Barnes has worked with founders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs around the world to accelerate the growth of their businesses and achieve substantial exits. He’s a father, husband, veteran, business owner, advisor, and mentor, and his true passion in life his helping others achieve success, freedom, and autonomy in theirs.