Creating a Vision for Your Business


vision, business, people, build, entrepreneurs, objectives, company, talk, self employed, jeff, life, big, dollars, provide, hearing, happen, personal, goal, put, founder


Jeff Barnes, Diana Tsakiris

Diana Tsakiris  09:50:54

Happy Thursday. It is a we’re getting close to be in the last Thursday of September, which is excited all the kids are back to school, all that fun stuff. We’re here with angel investors network with Episode Three of Ask Me Anything with CEO Jeff Barnes. Good morning, sir.

Jeff Barnes  09:51:14

Good morning, Diana, how are you doing today?

Diana Tsakiris  09:51:16

I am doing fabulous. It’s a great afternoon here. It’s not too humid in Florida, you know, rainy right now. So how, you know, money’s been pretty good day, guys. Jeff and I are mostly Jeff is going to be talking about vision, the vision of your business. And why his vision. so important. Here a lot of words, we hear people throw vision around a lot, just gonna let us know exactly what a vision is. Where it applies, tell you the importance of that vision and why you have to make sure that you have have a vision and what you need to have in your vision. And he’s got a couple examples is going to go. So looking super forward to it. Remember, if you have any questions, just shoot them in the comment box down below. And we’ll get back to you on those questions. And, Jeff, I’m handing it over to you, Allison.

Jeff Barnes  09:52:09

I appreciate it. Yeah, Welcome, everyone. So appreciate you guys being here today. Now, when we’re talking about the vision, there’s a couple things that I like to lead in with with every client that we get. And it doesn’t matter if I have a client that is, you know, they’re middle market company, they’re doing 10s of millions dollars a year in revenue, or if we’re a startup, and we’re saying, Okay, well, we want to build this thing out, I need to as a coach or consultant or advisor, understand the vision of a company. And to do that, I also need to understand the vision of the founders, right? When you think about a lot of these really great companies out there, you generally think of them for one or two products, right? And you don’t really think about all the things that happen behind the scenes to get there you think about so let’s say Henry Ford, what do we think about what we think about generally the Model T, the Ford automobile, right? So many more things than just build cars. But that’s what they started with. And Henry Ford’s vision was literally to create a horseless carriage. Okay. And that was something that it started the entire company and got that catalyst going. But of course, because of that, now, we have roads, and we have gas stations, and we have fuel lines and this entire infrastructure that’s been built around that. When you think about Steve Jobs, you think about maybe the iPod or the iPhone, and now of course, it’s the iPhone, the iPads and all these other things that they have going on. But iTunes was a big part of that as well. And what they want to do is they want to make the world accessible inside of your pocket. Right? So the iPod when it came out, it was the internet at your fingertips, the internet in your pocket 1000 songs in your pocket, right? All these different things that happened? Well, you do all right there, Diana.

Diana Tsakiris  09:53:55

Yeah, sorry, I’m coughing on the wrong. Like, I don’t it’s just stuck there.

Jeff Barnes  09:54:01

Don’t do that. Don’t do that.


I know, I know. Well, I’m trying to intravenous in there. See, my vision is to make sure that I’m highly caffeinated every day. Very good.

Jeff Barnes  09:54:11

I like that. I like that. You know, and so a lot of these, these companies that we think of is great, you know, they started out with the founders vision with the founder wanted to do with their company. And we tend to forget that when we’re looking at a company we think about, okay, what’s their mission? Were their objectives were their goals. And then how do we implement that? Right? Well, I like to start with the vision first and foremost, because the person who’s most important in a business, especially when it’s getting going is the founder and CEO, that person needs to drive the ship, if they don’t know where they’re going, then it’s gonna be really hard to get the rest of the team on board. So there’s actually two visions, and we want to talk about the personal vision, and then the company vision. And the personal vision is, what do you want your life to look like? Because a lot of people, when they get started in business, they literally say, you know, I just want to have my own business. I just want to be my own boss, I don’t wanna have to report to anyone else. And that’s a really terrible vision, right? Because guess what, you’re gonna leave a 40 hour per week job where you’re getting paid a steady salary, maybe some benefits and all that and have paid time off to all of a sudden working for free for the biggest jerk in the world, which is yourself. And because that person is never gonna let you


off the hook. They’re gonna be there with no help. Right?

Jeff Barnes  09:55:32

Exactly. And, and they’re always going to be there. They’re gonna be staring back at you every morning when you look in the mirror, wondering why you haven’t achieved the goals you want to. And so if you’re going to have that conversation, In the mirror every morning, you need to say there’s something much bigger than yourself that you’re going towards, and something that you really want to create in your own life. Right. And for me, when whenever I, when I started angel investors now working my serve, becoming an entrepreneur and helping other people, the whole vision of my life was to be able to do what I want, when I want, where I want with whom I want, as long as I’m not hurting anybody else, okay. And the whole goal in that was that personal freedom, right personal freedom, my own liberties and be able to do the things I wanted in life. That was my vision. And that meant that I was able to incorporate my family and my friends. And there’s all these are little things that go into that. But that’s like the vision statement. For everybody else, it might be different, right? It literally might be to leave a legacy for my children, it might be to to build a nonprofit that supports so and so. Right? Because that makes you feel good. You start with your personal vision. And then underneath that you figure out okay, what do I want my life to actually look like? You know, I want to work Monday through Saturday 9am to 9pm. Most people are gonna say no, right? They’ll say no, I want to work like Monday through Thursday from 10am to 3pm. Right? They want to get away.


Well, well, my vision is to not have to wake up or actually talk to people before noon,

Jeff Barnes  09:56:58

before noon. Okay, well, hey, right



Jeff Barnes  09:57:00

right. So it’s noon over in the East Coast right now.


I know we’re getting this is really good. Jeff, you’re helping me get my vision fulfilled here. talk to anybody before noon. And it doesn’t matter if since I can work different time zones that I could do it. You know? Yeah. Leave at 10 at night and? Yeah. You know, yeah, I know your time with your wife, your kids. Yeah.

Jeff Barnes  09:57:26

Yeah, exactly. If you like I have two boys, right. And so in the morning, I’m getting them out, getting them dressed, given the fact getting food ready for them for their lunches, and so on. And, as a result, anything before 9am My time is pretty much a no go. Right. It just gets to be too crazy, too hectic. Anybody has kids knows that. If you’re trying to get kids out of the house, then forget about doing any work, right. Last year was I will tell you just a total atrocity in our house. Because not only did I have to get them up, get them ready and get them off to school. But school happened right next to me in the living room we’re in? Yes, yes. Now you’re dealing with, okay, all these other issues. But luckily, I had a business where I didn’t have to go somewhere. I didn’t have to worry about going into an office and wondering if they’re going to shut me down and tell me I couldn’t run my business from my office, I didn’t worry about adjusting everything to deal with my kids, I built a lifestyle around the vision that I created. I think that’s the very most important thing, right? A lot of people will say when they get started, I just want to build a million dollar company or a billion dollar company or now I’m hearing crazy talking about people saying they want to build a trillion dollar companies. And I think that’s really misguided. But that’s neither here nor there.


Well, I mean, that’s still I mean, that that’s, like, have a vision. And you know, we don’t want to tell anybody, they’re not going to be a million billion or trillion dollar business owner. But I think the most important thing on what you’re saying here is that you need to break your vision down and not make it focused on money. It’s money, like we talked about, you know, money is replaceable, it’s, you know, you can earn it, you can lose it, it’s just money, right? It’s nothing but a piece of paper, it really, or a number, or really means nothing. Except for how you live your life. So really, when you’re looking at your personal vision for life and for business. And those two can be slightly different, but they still need to be parallel, right? They need to be on the same path. You need to dig a little bit deeper and make something more extremely rewarding, more feasible, like, almost like bigger than having a ton of money. Because what’s going to happen when you have a trillion dollars. Is there an end point like I know life is a journey, but where where’s that journey taking you. And your vision from what I’m hearing on what vision means is your vision is helping to give you that you know, that map the beginning map on where life in your you know where this journey is going. Yeah,

Jeff Barnes  10:00:05

yeah. Let me give you some examples around that. So let’s just say My vision is to make a million dollars. And I make a million dollars and whether it takes five years, 10 years or five months, right? You know, if that happens, then what do you do after that? Right? So a vision is not necessarily something that is attainable by a metric. Alright, and we’re going to talk about that in a second. A vision is something that is out there it’s future pacing is is is sometime down the road, but maybe never fully attainable, right? But you’re always striving towards that. And to your point Dyna money is a byproduct of providing value to the world. Money is a byproduct, money is never the goal. Money should always be the byproduct of providing value. So let’s just say I’m, you know, I figured out what my vision for my life is I’ve made my vision boards, I’m looking at stuff, I know that I want to travel all the time, I want to travel a certain way, I wanna go certain places, I want to be able to do what I want. And what does that mean. So now we start putting it together, what is what I want to look like? Who do I want? What does that look like? Right? Those are the types of things that we put together on our vision board. And so we really started putting that out there. Because again, if you don’t ask, then you’re never going to get it. And sometimes you just need to ask whether you want to call that God or you want to call it the universe, or you just need to put out that energy out there. You need to start asking, either ask for it, speak it, believe it. Yeah, exactly. If you don’t believe in yourself, and you don’t believe in your ability to achieve that you’ll never make it out. Okay, so that’s number one. And if you don’t have that conviction in yourself, and that belief in yourself, first, we’ve got to fix that. Because there’s a lot of reasons why that’ll happen. We don’t have time to go into that right now. But let’s just say that you’ve now gotten that vision of what you want your life to look like, Great. Now, let’s focus on the business. Because a lot of people will focus on a business first, and then they’ll just try to figure out their life along the way. And then of course, the wheels fall off the bus and you’re miserable, and divorce and your kids are gone. And you know, all sudden you’re old and gray and you don’t have the life you want, right? We don’t want that. Right? So now let’s focus on the vision for because now, if you look at Google Google’s was to organize the world’s information, right? So the world’s information at the click of a button. Right? Now, how do you quantify that? Well, you don’t, right, you can’t really quantify the world’s information at your fingertips. And, and so these were things that were really altruistic and really out there, but it’s constantly evolving. We’re constantly putting new things together. So when you look at a vision of where you want your business to be, you really want to look at Okay, what does it look like when our when we’re fulfilling our mission? Our vision? Who are we helping? Right? Like, literally drilled very far down? This goes into the margins? And who are we helping? How are we helping them? What is their outcome look like? and really start to get to this point of clarity around what your business can do, or who can help or how it can help people. Okay, when when you don’t have a very clear vision, as the founder and the owner, you don’t know how to bring other people on. So for example, here at Angel investors network, our goal is to help generate over a billion dollars in wealth in the various companies that we help now that is, we are putting a mark in the sand. Absolutely. But here’s another reason why we’re doing that. Once you figured out your over arcane vision of what you want to do, now, you have to say, Okay, well, how do we make that happen? And this is where people get lost, right? This is where people go straight into tactics. And I had this conversation with a client just the other day, which is, there’s a very big difference between tactics, strategy, objectives and vision.


And I think that might be next week.

Jeff Barnes  10:03:39

Oh, it we’re gonna cover a little bit of it right now. But we’ll maybe we’ll go deep into it next week, we’ll talk a little bit of it better right now, which is, as an entrepreneur, we there’s this book out there, I think it’s called the effectuation principle, or effectuation, theory camera, the exact name, but entrepreneurs start with everything they have right now. Right? They literally start with, okay, what can I do today to get this thing moving? And how can I get started, and let’s just get to work. Right? That’s what a lot of entrepreneurs do, they just want to roll up their sleeves and want to dive in, they wanna get to work, they’re gonna go out there, and they’re gonna start building marketing funnels, they’re gonna start putting stuff on social media, they’re gonna start just grinding it out. And the problem with that is that when you just start grinding things out, you get to a point where you can’t grind anymore, you can’t anymore, you can’t get any more work done, because you’re filled up your entire day. Right? We actually have a free training that will walk people through that, we’ll give them the link in a little bit. But that’s what entrepreneurs like to do. The problem is that entrepreneurs have this crazy vision that’s in their head, and no one else knows what it is. So for example, if if you if Steve Jobs said, you know what I want to create, you know, the, the personal computer for the, for the graphic artists, right? Or for the artist. And he didn’t tell anybody else that but he just started getting to work, right. And so he wanted the artists to have their own computers, their own system, their own platform, right. And you think about how Apple got started. That’s exactly who they went after they didn’t go after the business types. They didn’t go after, you know, the folks that were doing spreadsheets and using Lotus and using MS DOS. I know that wanting to be creative so they were going after the crazy ones if you remember that right. They were changing.


I do remember you know when he first came out because I you know, I’ve always been a PC girl, but I remember when that I was young enough when he when the first if anything came here, and of course Matt came out. And if you saw someone with it, you were like, oh, wow, you’ve got one of those. You must be able to do some super creative things. What can you do? You know, like, I’m still we’re still using the like.

Jeff Barnes  10:05:49

Yep. So once he got that vision out there, now listen, what happens, he starts building a tribe, he builds a tribe of people around him, he starts building a tribe of people who want to come work with them. And all of a sudden, everybody else caught wind of this vision. They liked it. And so it invigorated them. So when you create your vision, you start to inspire change in other people, and you start to inspire people to come on board. Now, again, visions are not very actionable, right? I gave you something that was actionable when I said, a billion dollars in wealth. Right, right. And why did I use that number? Let me give you an example. When Google bought YouTube, and somebody’s gonna correct me, but I think it was somewhere in the neighborhood of $3 billion, is back in the mid aughts. And everybody’s like, Google is crazy. Why in the world would they do that? Well, they had a vision for where information, eyeballs and attention were going, we already knew that they were going to screens and people were watching TV. As soon as TV came out, it became massively popular. But now, here’s this platform where you can watch TV on your computer, or you can watch other videos. So Google, you know, the the founders and the visionaries at Google knew that, we’re going to go towards video. Okay, that’s great. Now, we know that that’s where people are going, we want to capture attention. Because we capture attention, we get information, we get data, we can share and provide information at their fingertips. Great, okay, this seems like a crazy overpriced purchase. But whatever, whenever they purchase it, let’s not, let’s not forget, they’re still a business and they still need to make money out. And so they said, All right, we bought YouTube. Now, what are we going to do with it? How are we going to grow this? How are we going to get this out there? And you know, they can just envision the roundtable discussions about Okay, well, we need to come up with some metrics and some KPIs, we need to figure out, Okay, what are the things that we need to measure so that we can get this going? And in measure what matters by john Dory talks about this story, which is, they’re sitting around the table, and they’re saying, we need to figure out, what is the thing that we can do, that’s going to be that final destination, right? If you think about doing go on a road trip across the country, unless you you know, your hippie back in the 60s, you’re just like, let’s just go and let’s just disappear and see where we end up. You really put a.on the map a flag in the ground. So that’s where we’re going. And then you figure out your way,


right? That’s my vision, by the way,

Jeff Barnes  10:08:13

what’s that?


That’s my vision,

Jeff Barnes  10:08:15

to be able to be a hippie, just drive around the country and do whatever,


just jump in a vehicle and just be like, Where are we going?

Jeff Barnes  10:08:22

There you go.


Let’s go, do we have the will the supplies we need? I don’t know, we’ll be if we need something, we’ll get it. At one point, we’re gonna stop at an airport and be like, what’s the next flight out? All right, I bought it. Do you have clothes for that country? Nope.

Jeff Barnes  10:08:37

I don’t know, when we get there. To figure it out.


That’s my goal, is to just be like, that spoiled rotten kid. Yeah,

Jeff Barnes  10:08:44

free living right there. Um, so when we think about putting that end point in that final destination, now we have to say, now we know we’re getting everybody driving in the same direction, right. That’s the point of a vision. Now, now we get to an objective, right. And I don’t want to go too far in this because maybe we talked about this a little bit more next week. But the objective is really how you start driving people towards that vision, because again, a vision that can be very altruistic and ambiguous, and even like the idea, and that’s really cool, but they don’t really know what they should be doing on a day to day basis to get there. And so this is where objectives come in.


Right? I think objectives and visions are basically don’t go too deep into this. Because they are two different things. And we need to spend a little bit more time breaking down when an objective is, you know, we still have, you know, mission that needs to be put in their vision and mission and the difference between those and kind of cover a little bit of information on that. So let’s kind of keep it on vision and why having that big vision like saying, hey, my life vision, my vision for Diana cares, Oh, see a business.

Jeff Barnes  10:09:55

We got to stay on track and I don’t get to reveal the big story about how you turn a vision into actionable items. Okay, well,


not yet that yet, but I will tell you stay tuned. And I’ll announce it before which episode it’ll be when we’re done with this episode. It might be next for it might be five, but I’ll make sure that I put on our Facebook page at Angel investors network. That what day and what episode it is that we go more into those actionable items for you. All right, we’re gonna pretend like we’re back to when I was growing up. And when you wanted to watch a TV show, you had to be here and fast forward and rewind and see the whole all episodes all at once. So we’re gonna go back in time a little bit instead and do that. So keep us while we wrap these last two

Jeff Barnes  10:10:43

I think we did actually have one of those old school TVs that were, you know, the dial that you had to get up from the couch and go walk over. But


yes, I was the remote control. I was the remote control and the antenna fixture might have one of those big antennas on the house that you had to turn. Yep. All right. Anyways, we digress, we both fell off track there, get us back to vision, get us back to you know, yes, obviously, angel investors networks has to the billion dollars and you know, helping companies hit a billion dollars as many as possible, is one big, but it’s it’s not the total one, because it does have a quantitative number on it. Um,

Jeff Barnes  10:11:21

so that’s another one, right, that’s part of our mission that’s starting


to get more into mission and objection. So you know, a vision is that like, like we said, like I just said, My vision is to, as a person is to, you know, jump in a car, grab a toothbrush, you know, I always have toothbrush with me, but you know, like jumping in a car and not even just throw a bag in the car and just drive. And you know, like, see every state in the United States, it’s take years to just like drive and jump on some of these highways and figure out where you go, my vision in life with professionally, is to reach and touch as many business owners as I can, to help provide, provide and facilitate the tools and resources necessary that they need to reach their vision.

Jeff Barnes  10:12:12

I like it, I like it. Well, part of our vision is that we want to help people create wealth, build a legacy and make an impact with their businesses. And when you do that, we say okay, why create wealth? Why is that even on there? Well, because we don’t work in the realm of work angel investors network, right. So in other words, we want people to actually create wealth through investing and building a legacy. What does that mean? It means that you’re going to create something that’s multi generational, you’re not going to create something that’s just for you. So when I think about this, and building a legacy, there’s a lot of different types of businesses and we talked about this a few times. Now the the cashflow quadrant from Robert Kiyosaki employee, self employed business owner investor, well, when you’re an employee, you’re you’re fulfilling somebody else’s mission and vision, okay, you’re helping them build that. And that’s totally fine. But that’s not who we have. The self employed. self employed people generally are only single generation types of companies, meaning you’re the dentist, you’re the doctor, and you have your own practice, or you’re the lawyer or you have your own restaurant, but I and then when you’re done with it, either close up shop, or you sell it off with somebody else, but it’s


just super high, super high, those self employed guys that they don’t cancel. I was watching the profit the other day, and I can’t remember what he said. But once again, there’s gonna be a way for you guys in the comments if you can correct either Jeff and I work on these things where we say correct is wrong, please provide the backup and not an argument. I think he said it was like 75% of all second generation, you know, companies fail. When a you know, a father leaves a mechanic shop to their son. It’s just that self employed mentality, that vision, you know, they have a vision, but you know, that they’re not in that other side.

Jeff Barnes  10:14:08

Okay, so here’s the difference, right? Most people who are self employed have a personal vision of some sort is probably a little bit fuzzy. But it’s, it’s really that I don’t want to have a boss, I want to work for myself. I want to set my own right. Right. That’s totally fine. Okay. But that’s not necessarily transferable to other people, because that’s personal. And so if you take that and that’s your, your big vision is just the work for yourself. And then you transfer that over into the business side. You say, Okay, well, what does that look like? Alright, well, I’m my own boss. No one else is gonna work over me. I’m going to do things my way. It’s gonna be my way or the highway kind of thing. And I don’t want to relinquish relinquish control anyway, I start encroaching on that personal vision. Okay, so let’s contrast that with someone that said, Okay, I want let’s just use the auto shop and I’m spitballing here, okay, so bear with me. But if I am an auto mechanic, and I see the shady and I started my entire career as an auto mechanic, and I see how people are just like using other individuals and just not doing a very nice job and they’re overcharging them, like, you know, apart cost $10 we’re charging 150 that’s ridiculous, guys. And so what if I said, you know, what, I’m gonna provide the best quality service the lowest possible rate for the greatest number of middle class Americans I can contrast that with, I just want to be my own boss and work myself.


Yeah, there’s definitely two different you know, one, something that can grow and flourish. You know, when you set the first one, it’s it sounds Great. I don’t know if we’ve talked about this yet. But you know, my dad owns a business. And his vision is I want to live the lifestyle I want to live and be my own boss. And he knows when he’s gone, his businesses go, you know, is most likely going with him, he’s fine with that. That’s what he wants, he’s happy. The other vision that you hear when you first started reading, saying off that, you know, lowest quality and high quality, lowest price, whatever it was, with the most mid and mid income Americans, I saw Jeff Barnes, auto shop franchising popping up across America,

Jeff Barnes  10:16:16

bingo, right. And that’s the thing, it’s very different from I want to own my own little business where I’m taking care of myself, my family, and I’m just living the life that I want. Versus I want to make an impact. Okay, so this is part of our remember, create wealth, build a legacy make an impact. So building a legacy means you’re building a business that can be transferred to somebody else, when you’re making an impact, it means you’re really making a substantial difference in other people’s lives. Now, when I think about making an impact, there’s a few different ways you can look this, right, you can give yourself completely to one individual or a very small number of people, and you will make an impact on their lives. There’s no doubt about that. But how does a business make an impact? A business that makes an impact by affecting a lot of lives. And when you do that, and again, going back to who we are and our brand, angel investors network, our goal is to create businesses that build wealth, build a legacy and make an impact. Right, which means that they’re investable. And this goes back to what do we help companies do? We often will have on my capital investable, sellable businesses? Right? And you can’t do that, if you’re not going to be building a business is big enough to make an impact or Right, right. So there’s so many little things that go into this. But again, when we think about what we want to do, we want to help the greatest number of entrepreneurs, build wealth, or create wealth, build a legacy and make an impact. Right? And if that’s the case, Now, again, going back to the objectives, we’ll talk about this next week. But now I need to put a flag in the ground, here’s the direction we’re going, how do we achieve that,


and we will be putting that flag in future episodes, to what I’m hearing right now, because we’re gonna wrap this up. I know, I know, the last two weeks, we’ve been going for about an hour, but you know, quality over quantity, and we’re gonna keep you on with it, you know, try to keep it as tight as we can into the 30 minutes until we start getting where we need to open a larger q&a section. So what I’m hearing right now, is the reason why we start in business. And we are recommending, and you know, I wholeheartedly agree with you. And I’ve heard others say it. So it’s not like we’re just out here with some cuckoo thing. You start with that vision, because that vision and you dig deep, and you really want to truly break it down, is because that’s going to give you the overall feel, and idea on where your business and your life is going. And this journey we call life. And from your vision, you start putting stakes in the ground, you know, you take your vision, you build the mission, and then you start building those objections. Those objections is where those stakes and SMART goal

Jeff Barnes  10:19:01

objections just objective.


Sorry, sales brain when and right sorry, objection. We’re gonna put those mesh smart, measurable, actionable.

Jeff Barnes  10:19:13

I think you’re the one that needs more confidence more. Yeah. So I do. Here’s the other piece of that vision that we didn’t really talk about, which is, being an entrepreneur and building a business is not easy, right? There’s gonna be days, weeks, even months where you don’t make any money, and you’re paying everybody else. And that’s hard, really hard. And it’s also really easy to give up at that point. But if you have a really strong personal vision and mission in life, then when you wake up on those really hard days, and you look in the mirror, you can say no, it’s time to get back to work. I’m not just going to rest back and wait for something to happen. I’m going to I repeat


my I repeat my vision back to me. And when things start falling apart, I repeat it back to me and I go find a mirror and like all it’s been one of those days where you feel like you never should have got out of bed. I’m like, I don’t even say I want I say I am going to be able to travel wherever whenever I want at the twist of a dime or whatever. I will help entrepreneurs get to reach and make their vision come true. So yeah, the vision is great. It’s not just to guide your company is to keep you on track and keep that vision is definitely more extremely extended. So I think what we need to do here, and I’m Jeff and I will will participate as well but will participate at the end right before Before we go to our next episode, I’d like to let’s, let’s kind of see what we can do here. And let’s test our viewers. Excuse me, our viewers, our clients, our friends, our neighbors, whoever is that what is watching this on Facebook live, and then goes back and watch the recording. I’d like to see how many of us out there are strong enough, brave enough and ready and truly believe in your vision for both your personal life and your business life, that you’ll go to the comic section of this post. input. Hi, my name is Diana, my personal vision is this, my professional vision is that and let’s kind of start and get that communicating talk, you know, people talking, and you know, like in when Jeff and I see you’re up there, you might get one of us to respond, you might get both of us to respond. But let’s hear your visions. Let’s put it out there. Let’s, let’s ask for it. First, let’s believe it, ask for it and say, so put it out there on paper, you know, definitely it’s more important that you put it on paper somewhere within yourself, get it out of your head, if it’s always in your head, it’s never gonna happen. So write it. And I think we gave a nice little bit of information for people to launch on, obviously, you know, yes, what’s my vision, oh, I’m Vice President of Business Development. So jobra will come in here and say that if you want help working and building your vision, you know, go to the website, check out you know, the resources that we have it you know, schedule a call for for me, and we’ll we’ll talk a little bit and see how we can help you. I’m going guide your vision. But we definitely have a good, good path to go here for this journey of life.

Jeff Barnes  10:22:38

Absolutely. And I speak we’ll be diving even


deeper. Next week, we will so you know, the vision for for Ask Me Anything with you know, CEO, Jeff Barnes is to provide is kind of reaches back to what, you know what we said, it hits both of our business in the company, you know, vision there. And you know, here specifically is to provide some value and some information and just kind of help you know, what direction to turn and your vision will keep you on that direction. When you find yourself running on the hamster wheel you don’t know where to go and what to do. Stop. Think about your vision. And then go is my vision still serving me was my vision big enough is the reason I can’t seem to get to the next step is because my vision wasn’t the right vision. am I working in the wrong direction? And then so you know, kind of a teaser as to what’s coming next week, we’ll be taking what a vision can do and taking it to next steps. Anything else you’d like to say before we wrap it up? Mr. Barnes?

Jeff Barnes  10:23:36

No, that sounds great. I’m looking forward to seeing all the comments and seeing people’s visions inside the chat.


Oh, man, I can’t wait. I’m I’m thinking what I’m thinking we can get easy. We should be able to get at least 50 visions on here.

Jeff Barnes  10:23:50

Okay. Keep looking at it. Thank you so much. Really appreciate you being here. And we’ll see you again next week.


I please help me please let me get 50

Jeff Barnes  10:24:01

There we go.


I see you guys later. Bye.

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John Reighard, Partner & EVP

John Reighard is a Partner at Angel Investors Network, where he leverages his expertise in business development, networking, and investor relations to help entrepreneurs secure funding and scale their businesses. With a passion for connecting people and ideas, John plays a pivotal role in fostering strategic partnerships and guiding business owners toward sustainable success. In addition to his work with Angel Investors Network, he also owns and operates two other small businesses.


A Connector and Networking Extraordinaire, Business Coach/Consultant, and Inspirational Speaker, John is deeply committed to helping individuals and businesses achieve meaningful results. His mission is to empower entrepreneurs and leaders to create lasting impact through strategic growth, financial acumen, and powerful relationship-building.


John has trained with, been mentored by, and provided consulting services to some of the world’s top thought leaders in personal development and business transformation, including Jack Canfield (America’s #1 Success Coach and Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul), Stephen Covey, T. Harv Eker, Bob Proctor, Blair Singer, Robert Kiyosaki, Neil Rackham, Marcia Wieder, and Roger (Bud) Seith. These experiences have shaped his ability to guide clients through personal and professional growth, helping them unlock their full potential.


Before joining Angel Investors Network, John took a sabbatical in 2002, living with his family in Norway, Portugal, and France—an enriching experience that followed 15 award-winning years in Silicon Valley. During his time in the tech industry, he worked for leading companies such as Lucent Technologies, Exodus Communications, Octel Communications, and Brady Corporation.

Meet Jeff Barnes

Jeff Barnes is a former US Navy Nuclear power plant operator on a Submarine, Navy diver, risk management director, technology enthusiast, business growth expert, advisor and management consultant. Mr. Barnes sits on the boards of startup companies, runs a venture fund, supports non-profits supporting military vets, and spends most of his time helping CEOs and founders of growing companies automate, systemize, and scale to 8 and 9-figure valuations.


With over 20 years of technology, systems, operations, and marketing experience, Mr. Barnes has advised over 1,000 companies, invested tens of millions in advertising campaigns, and helped companies generate over $1 billion in investment capital.


As the chairman of Angel Investors Network and founder of Digital Evolution Marketing Group, Mr. Barnes has worked with founders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs around the world to accelerate the growth of their businesses and achieve substantial exits. He’s a father, husband, veteran, business owner, advisor, and mentor, and his true passion in life his helping others achieve success, freedom, and autonomy in theirs.