Angel investors network is growing!
Start or convert you own local angel investing group today and begin attracting more investors and deals to your live and virtual events.
Participate in more investment opportunities.
Build your wealth and your business at the same time!
Angel Investors Network’s chapter model gives you access to bigger and better resources than you’ve ever had before, including technology that can help your members vet deals faster and more effectively, and access to an investment marketplace and portal that will allow you to earn success fees on deals you bring to our network.
And with a database as large as ours, you will be guaranteed to find new members for your chapter in your backyard.
At angel investors network
We know that it takes more than just money to make a successful angel investor. It takes the right resources, the right technology, and the right network to help you find the best deals and make the most profitable investments. That’s why we created our chapter model.
So, if you’re ready to take your angel group to the next level, then look no further than Angel Investors Network. With our chapter model, you will have access to the resources and technology you need to make yours the best chapter around. So, join us today and become a part of the Angel Investors Network family.