11. David Hunter, CEO of Star Rapid

Creating Sustainable Growth and Meeting Customer Needs and Demands in Manufacturing

On today’s show, Cliff speaks with David Hunter, CEO of Star Rapid. David talks about his work in the manufacturing sector, what it takes to meet customer’s needs and improve product design and process, keep your employees up to date on procedure, and how to achieve sustainable growth.

David is originally from London, David has outstanding knowledge and know-how of doing business in China, where he has resided since 2003. David has a proven track record of success in general management and has held senior positions in sales, marketing, business development and operations. David is dynamic and forward thinking, striving always for continuous improvement in all aspects of business and business relationships.

Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and four children, traveling and playing sports. As CEO of Star, he plans to elevate the business by bringing additional customer focus along with implementing industry 4.0 and continuing to develop what is already a great team, ultimately leading to greater customer satisfaction, consistent world-class performance and enable Star to achieve sustainable growth.

At Star Rapid David specializes in producing high-quality plastic injection molded parts and mold tools, with machining and finishing services to make tools from a variety of materials and can produce 50 to 100k+ finished parts in all major resins.

The Star Rapid team is highly focused on advanced material verification, inspection and testing to ensure your clients parts meet and exceed their highest expectations.

Star Rapid has these best in class programs in place:

– Star Rapid a unique service called OMOM, which stands for One Man One Mold Service.

 This service provides quick-turnaround plastic injection tooling in half the time of conventional tools. By streamlining the entire tooling project, from conception to completion, using a single master machinist who takes ownership of the project from start to finish.

– Design for Manufacturing, it is important to design for manufacturing when developing a new product to avoid costs and delays down the line.

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