22. Mitch Russo, CEO of Russoplus.com

Your First Thousand Clients

On today’s episode, Jeff speaks with Mitch Russo, CEO of Russoplus.com about his two main ingredients that he brings to the table; Experience and Creativity – he will share how he started being an inspiring Rock Band Star on his way up in being an entrepreneur reaching $35MM in sales.

Mitch has helped hundreds of coaches build a profitable practice through his MasterClass and through private client relationship. His greatest passion is helping CEOs get extreme leverage by building independent “tribes” of Certified Consultants. This mainly builds loyalty with your best clients and deeply engaging them through a powerful, integrated community which happens to drive massive profits year after year.

He also has built powerful tools for his clients to license their IP and deploy their own Certified Consultant program quickly and successfully. Learn more about his program here, https://mitchrusso.com/

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