DHF Asset Management Retains Angel Investors Network to Showcase International Investment Fund


The partnership will educate more individuals on the importance of “appropriate” diversification in the current uncertain economic situation

Jeff Barnes, chairman and chief executive officer of AIN, comments, “I’m delighted to introduce DHF Asset Management S.A R.L. to our investor audience as an opportunity to give a hedge against the current market volatility.”

This partnership between DHF and AIN will educate more individuals on the importance of “appropriate” diversification in the current uncertain economic situation. As bank failures have rendered classic “safe” investments such as savings accounts untrustworthy, the need for effective diversification techniques has never been greater.

Many are unaware of how powerful “automatic portfolio rebalancing” can be in conjunction with asset diversification. AIN’s partner DHF Asset Management S.A R.L. uses automated portfolio rebalancing to ensure its clients’ portfolio diversification is always maintained, providing the most significant level of security and least exposure to uncertain markets.

DHF Asset Management S.A R.L. spokesperson Bas Kooijman, asset manager and CEO of DHF Capital stated in a recent CNBC International interview: “It’s important to be hedged across all the different asset classes.” He later commented, “By working with Angel Investors  Network, we hope to bring this opportunity to more US investors  and help them hedge properly against the volatility in the markets.”

Automated portfolio rebalancing is a game-changer for investors seeking minute-by-minute optimal diversification. Automatic rebalancing ensures that investments remain aligned with the desired risk levels and target allocations across various asset classes by continuously monitoring and modifying the distribution of assets within a portfolio. This dynamic strategy reduces the impact of future market swings and eliminates the need for manual intervention. Investors may rest comfortably that their portfolios are regularly diversified, boosting the possibility for consistent returns while limiting the risks associated with market volatility. Automatic portfolio rebalancing offers investors peace of mind that their financial well-being is safe regardless of market conditions in a constantly shifting economic environment.

With economic uncertainty at an all-time high, investors seeking to ensure their financial future must diversify their portfolios more than ever. Most investors know of the benefits of diversifying investments across key asset classes such as equities, major currencies, bonds, commodities, and money markets.

About DHF Capital

Angel Investors Network 

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