Time to Create Some SMART Goals!

The key to launching a successful business and staying on track.

Jeff Barnes 09:55:26
All right, we are set.

Diana Tsakiris 09:55:28
Beautiful, beautiful. Happy Thursday everybody. It’s the first week of October so we’re getting ready for ghosts and goblins to pop up if you celebrate Halloween. If not, it is definitely official pumpkin season no angel investors network does not have anything pumpkin flavored, but you can watch while drinking your cup of coffee if you’d like. We’d like to do Episode Five. Yes, we’re on our fifth episode of Ask Me Anything with CEO Jeff Barnes. Hey, Jeff, how’s it going? Is that pumpkin coffee you’re drinking?

Jeff Barnes 09:55:57
You know, I have a little bit of cinnamon there. But I drink my bulletproof coffee in the morning. But Good morning, Diane, it’s good to hear your voice.

Unknown Speaker 09:56:03
Definitely. All right. Today, we’re going to be tying in everything we did for the last two seasons. If you remember, we talked about vision and mission statements, what the difference is why they’re important how they help guide your business to get that eight to nine figure valuation. And today we’re going to be talking about objections, nope. objectives, the high gotcha, Jeff, and goals, how to set them what’s a SMART goal? Do we need a SMART goal? Why do we need to have these things in place? And how crucial is it to have the objectives and goals in our business to get to that eight to 910 11 figure valuation. Now we do focus on that eight to nine, but we will not stop anybody. And we will definitely be cheering you on if you get to that 10 and 11. So Jeff, let’s talk about goals and not objections. But objective.

Jeff Barnes 09:56:54
I’ll tell you, if you are doing it, right, you’re gonna have a lot of objections to your goals as a founder and the CEO. Yeah, so we’ve talked a lot about the vision and the mission. And those are very long term things, right. And whenever you’re building a business, and you’re trying to figure out what you want to achieve, it’s great to have those in place. And you absolutely need those, because again, that is sort of your roadmap and your guidebook of how you’re going to run this business. But at the end of the day, people need to know what they’re shooting for short term as well. And your goals can be long term horizon goals, you know, those five to 10 year goals that are really the big, hairy, audacious goals, Jim Collins talks about, and then you need to bring them down into your one to three year goals, and then break those down even more into your quarterly, monthly and weekly goals. As the CEO, founder of a company, you need to be looking very long term. But your employees are not, right, they’re not, it’s not their job to figure out where the company should be in five years, it’s your job as a CEO and the founder. So when you have these big, hairy, audacious goals, and you’re going out there and you’re trying to pull those off, that’s a little bit overwhelming for a lot of people. And so you need to step back and learn how to break these goals down into bite sized chunks that people can understand and, and really run with, otherwise, they end up just flailing and just doing work and busy work because they think that’s what you want them to do. And in reality, they’re not moving the needle forward, you’re not actually going in the direction of those goals. So that’s why it’s really crucial to set those goals and those objectives. And there’s a lot of reasons we can refer you to for that, but we will talk a lot about that today.

Unknown Speaker 09:58:37
So what you’re saying is I need to have a big goal, like a vision, I need to break it down into a smaller goal, similar to a mission, but then even take it even smaller into little bite size obtainable pieces, so that we know our big vision. And then we know how to attack the little things that we need to do to get to that big vision. Bingo. So if I want to work from anywhere, traveled anywhere, whenever I want to, and live my life on my own schedule, which is my big main vision, I have to now come up with little things I can do daily to get me to that spot. Right?

Jeff Barnes 09:59:14
So there’s a term for this called objectives and key results, right. And when you set a goal, your goal might be okay. In one year, I’m going to say that I don’t need to live anywhere, I don’t need a house, I’m going to just travel and I’m gonna stay at different Airbnb or VR videos around the world for the next 12 months. And I want to have that goal to be able to start in 12 months. So let’s just say we’re looking at now say, okay, as of January of 2023, I want to be able to just travel around the world and figure that out, okay, well, that’s great. That’s a great goal to have. And it’s an objective, your objective is now I’m going to get on a plane, I’m going to go somewhere, I’m going to stay somewhere that I really want to stay, I’ll be able to work from there if I want to, or I’ll take some relaxing vacation days and whatever. So you figure out what those objectives are. Well now you got to figure out what we call the key results of things that you need to do along the way to get you there. Right. So let’s go back to our analogy that we use about getting in the car with your family and driving out to you know some city in California and you guys are traveling across the country. That’s great. And now you know where you want to go. Okay and you also know because you set a SMART goal. You know that you want to be there at a certain time. And you’re all on the same page of where you’re gonna end up? Well, now you got to break that down. Okay, you’re starting, let’s just say you’re starting, you know, over in Florida, right? And you want to drive all the way across the country to California. That’s great. Well, what do I have to do to get this thing started? Well, working from the end in mind, we know where I want to end up, we know when I want to end up Okay, so let’s backtrack and say, Okay, well, how long is it going to take me to get there? Then I’m going to need to figure out where my how many miles or only hours to travel per day? And then what are some of the things that we need to plan for along the way, where we need gas, where we’re going to eat, where we going to sleep? What are the root daily requirements of things we need to be able to do? Are there places we need to stop along the way, right, so you’re setting up what we call these key results. And these are sort of your milestones, if you will, it’s a good way to look at is I’m going to set these milestones and I need to achieve these milestones along the way. And if I achieve the milestones, and they’re set up properly, every successive milestone will move you closer and closer towards that big goal. But yeah, that’s exactly right, Dan, you want to have the big goal of where you want to be. But then you want to break it down into smaller chunks. So you can say, Okay, this is the thing I’m going to be working on this week, or this month, or this quarter, and moving me in that direction.

Unknown Speaker 10:01:35
Perfect, great. I love that you can break it down big to little. And you definitely have to know where you’re going. And there’s always little things on where you get get there. And one of your goals, you know, on a road trip is going to be totally different than a business. But it’s super important that not only do you have you have those little goals, it gives everybody um, I know for me, I get a sense of accomplishment and pride when I reach a goal. So if I make enough little goals that I can reach throughout the day, the week, the month, the year, all of a sudden that big goal doesn’t seem as big anymore, because it doesn’t seem as hard.

Jeff Barnes 10:02:09
You know, Tony Robbins, I think I think he coined the phrase he may not have been might have been his mentor, Jim Rohn. They said we overestimate what we can accomplish in a year. But we underestimate what we can accomplish in five years. And what he’s referring to is that a lot of people have really big goals right? So let’s just say your big goal is I want to travel all over the world and I want to be able to work from anywhere at any time and never have to worry about money. That’s a pretty big goal. It’s a pretty big vision. And a lot of people will put a timeline I’ll say okay, well now I need to do it in a year. In one year I’m going to start traveling well and I have all the money I need. And what they don’t do is they don’t take into account where they are right now maybe what the resources are they have at their disposal. And now they’ve set a goal that’s so big, it’s coming up so fast like a year goes by like that, right we we don’t think about it in the beginning but then all of a sudden look at we’re in October, you know, we’re almost done with 2021 and where’s the your gun we’ve all been busy crazy doing all sorts of other things, and the time flies by so if you set a goal that’s too big, with too short of a timeline, you’re gonna set yourself up for failure. However, if you don’t set a goal big enough, you’re not going to be excited to try and achieve it right? Like if your goal is learning to get up in the morning and show up at work. And that’s your goal for the day. You know, that’s not very motivational, it’s not not something it’s gonna really make you drive yourself or push yourself forward on a regular basis but if you do say listen I’m gonna create a goal of at the end of the day I’m gonna have this this and this accomplished you’re gonna feel much better about that right? So we start with a really big goal we start we can maybe talk about smart goals next, which is let’s figure out this big goal. Let’s figure out how to achieve it but then let’s be realistic about it and let’s figure out a way to make that happen

Unknown Speaker 10:03:56
definitely That’s awesome. Yeah, just just to kind of jump in here for a second we’ve got we’ve got a little bit of activity in our comments section. Tom I want to say good morning to you because you went in and jumped in and you shared the goals that you have for this week going in and shared some milestone and there thank you so much, Tom for for chit chatting with us on there you got some very great goals. Um, I’ve known Tom McCarran for a couple of years now Jeff um he’s in our comment section and I’ve had the privilege to be able to see as he’s been building up to some of these milestones so for me it’s it’s both um so so much more personal for Tom but for me, you know, I do get a little sense of being able to watch them do this. So Tom, you’re doing an amazing job keep it up and keep chatting with me over here in the comments and anybody else that’s watching. Put your goals in here. If we don’t call you out personally on the live we’ll definitely go in and chit chat with you. If you want to talk and let me know if you want to get on a call with me if you want to take that business evaluation to talk more about your goals but let’s get let’s get going. Oh look, Bobby, thank you for sharing your goals. Bobby, Ricky Bobby five getting five meanings for my business that does 6 million a year. Wow, that’s awesome, Bobby. Okay, Jeff, let’s go into SMART goals.

Jeff Barnes 10:05:11
Alright, let’s talk about so you guys have probably heard this a number of times. If you’ve done any sort of goal setting in the past or trying to figure out a big vision. You’ve probably read something along the way that says listen, you need to set a SMART goal. What is smart stands for it stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and timely. What this means let’s be very clear. And let’s use specific examples for a SMART goal. If Diana has this vision of traveling the world, that’s a vision, right? And being able to do what she wants, when she wants where she wants, with whom she wants, at any time. That’s a vision. But then she has to say, you know what, in 2022, maybe I want to work from Panama City, Florida, I want to live on the beach, and I want to be able to hang out in a villa or a condo, right on the beach. Well, then she has to say, Okay, I want to I’m going to live in a studio apartment in a condo overlooking on the X floor or above, in Panama City, by this time, and what does that do? So now we’re specific, this is where I want to live. Okay. And when you have that, that type of vision, that clarity, everything else falls into focus. I’m gonna tell you an example of something that happened to me a long, long time ago, when when my ex wife found out she was pregnant with our first child, at that point, we were renting a home and money was a little bit tight, and we weren’t living in the place I wanted. So I remember going to this place that I want to live every single week, and just sitting there and staring out and looking at the homes and looking at the the area and having this vision, okay, this is where I want to live. And I said, Okay, I want to live here, you know, she’s doing nine months, I want to be here within nine months, I want to have a house here in this neighborhood, because that’s where I want to be. Eight months later, before maybe was born, we actually moved into and bought the house that I ended up staying in, right. And it was because I’d set a very specific goal. This is where I want to be. It’s specific and it has tangible results, right? A vision is not always tangible, okay. Like you said, we want to travel the world and be all over the place and do that that’s not always tangible and specific. So specific is where we want to be the tangible result we want to get so a lot of people said Moneygall, I want to be making $100,000 per year. And that’s great. Okay, so now that’s that’s one thing. It’s very specific. The next thing is it’s measurable, right? So measurable is okay, did I achieve the goal? Or did I not? You know, there’s a quantifiable amount. So there’s $1 amount, there’s a number of phone calls you’re making, there’s a number of places you’ve visited, there’s airplane trips, you’ve taken things like that, right? So if Dan said, Hey, I want to go live in this condo? Well, that’s great. It’s very specific as to where right then it’s measurable. Am I living in the condo when I want to? Yes or no? Right? Is it attainable? Now this is where a lot of people struggle, attainable is very ambiguous for a lot of people. Right? A lot of people will come to us, and they’ll tell us, you know what, I have a unicorn idea of a billion dollar idea. And like you were saying that no, we never discourage people when they say I have a billion dollar company, I have an idea. But the fact of the matter is, if they’ve never built a business before, then saying that they have a unicorn is a little bit premature, right? Because they may not know whether or not it’s going to succeed or not. They may not know if there’s really a place for this in the market. And that doesn’t mean that there’s not it’s just they haven’t done it before. And they say okay, well, I want to go out there and I want to raise $100 million in the next year. Well, have you raised any money before? No. Okay, so this is where attainable comes in? Can you raise $100 million dollars? Absolutely. No doubt about it, right? There’s companies doing it all the time, is doing it within one year when you’ve never raised money before likely, highly unlikely, like 99.99% failure rate in something like that. Right? This is where the attainability comes. And we want to be smart about how we’ve set our goals. Realistic again, you know, we have people come to us and say, Yep, I have the next trillion dollar company. Okay, I want to talk about the realistic pneus of this. There’s like a handful of companies that have hit a trillion dollar valuation. And none of them are less than 15 years old. Right? Most of them are decades old, and they’ve been around for a long time. trillion dollar valuation is not really realistic, right? It’s also like saying, Hey, you know what, you know, and

Unknown Speaker 10:09:49
it’s not realistic in that obtainable timeline that you put into place. So I don’t want to burst anybody’s bubbles. And we do want to remain realistic. We don’t want people believing that they can fly or walk on water. Exactly. Yeah. But we do want to, we don’t want to tell you know, you’ll never make a trillion dollar idea because we never know.

Jeff Barnes 10:10:07
Right? We never know. But again, when we look at we say, okay, have you ever built a company before? No. Have you ever raised money before? No. Have you ever gone out and gone public before? No, you’re right. So is it realistic for you to do that again, in that timeframe?

Unknown Speaker 10:10:20
No. So that sounds Something that should be in your vision, My vision is to have a trillion dollar company, my goal is to have a start with a half a million a six figure earning that business and then build it up to 1,000,007. Figure then build it up to the eight figure nine figure 10. Figure. So that’s what I

Jeff Barnes 10:10:41
know. So when it comes down to the vision, remember, money and valuation is a result of providing value to the world, right? And so when we look at this, here’s the problem that I always have with people that come to me and tell me I want to have you make this much money, I want to have this kind of valuation, I want to raise this, what’s happening is they’re putting the money in the number before the value, and they haven’t gone in and said, okay, what’s the value that I’m going to give to the world to achieve that? Right? That’s where that vision comes through. And so I think, again, it was probably Jim Rohn. That said, you know, the whole year received through is only as big as the whole, you give through. Right, right. And a lot of people take that in when they think about charitable giving, right? Okay, well, if I give money to charities, then maybe I’ll make more money myself. But it’s also about value, right? What value Am I providing to the world? And as a result of that, I’m getting massive amounts of value back and money back, right. And there’s a lot of examples around that. And then the last thing, like we said, is timely, we’ve kind of hit on that a bunch, which is, we need to say there’s got to be a time limit on this one. Right? How much money am I going to raise? In what time period? and for what purpose? And what am I going to do with that? Right? We get very specific, it’s very measurable, it’s attainable, it’s realistic, and it’s timely. We need to have a timeframe. Because then we said we go back to the goal of, hey, I want everybody to be at our family reunion in Los Angeles. And everybody goes, Okay, cool. When are we gonna be there? Oh, just show up sometime in the next few weeks. Right? Tomorrow, you have some people that leave Three days later, you have another people show them last day, right?

Unknown Speaker 10:12:22
So yeah, nobody’s gonna see everybody you’re just gonna have an open door policy and everybody’s gonna funnel in and out and it’s not gonna be family reunion. It’s that well, you’ll get to see everybody.

Jeff Barnes 10:12:33
Again, it needs to be very specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely, and everybody has to understand it.

Unknown Speaker 10:12:39
Right? Definitely. I mean, you can’t just jump out there and go like I can’t be like Hey, Jeff, I want to earn you know, nine figures a year working with angel investors network. Well, how you gonna get there? You know, that’s great.

Jeff Barnes 10:12:49
Yeah, yeah, exactly. I’m not gonna talk to questions you have to ask right? One

Unknown Speaker 10:12:53
sales column one sales call a year is gonna get me there depth now,

Jeff Barnes 10:12:56
one one a year? Well, hey, you know, I’d love to have those clients find out where they’re gonna find those

Unknown Speaker 10:13:00
clients. All right, so great stuff here. So we definitely talked about, let’s see, um, to recap, SMART goal is specific. What are you specifically trying to achieve, and we’re not now looking at our vision, which is big and broad. We’re now looking at that specific item. So I specifically want to achieve so my vision for Ask Me Anything with CEO Jeff Barnes is to provide value education and keys. key things that any business owner can take, or want to be entrepreneur can take. And help build their business, little things they can do to help qualify them to become a client or to get an investor or whatever they want to do. That’s why we’ve been talking about mission vision and goals, right? So that would be you know, my broad vision. So specifically, what I want to do is I want to reach 10 people every live. I wonder if we can get there. So I want to reach How can I tell if I can reach 10 people every live? Well, I’ve got the comment section on live and I can see how many people right now I’ve talked to two people about goals this morning. So I only need eight more this week. Is it obtainable? I think it’s attainable this to build up to reach at least 10 people every live. I think it’s really realistic. And now let’s set a timeline. Let’s see. So this is the first week of October. So by the first week, the first live in November, I want to have reached or maxed out and gone over 10 people every live to start talking to me. And this week, we’ve got Bobby and Tom. Bobby just asked me if I can ask you a question. But before I do that, did I get a goal kind of written that followed? Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and timeline?

Jeff Barnes 10:14:39
I say so specific? We have a number measurable. We have a number we know when we have a timeline we have attainable Yep. We’re we’ve had dozens if not hundreds of people on lives in the past. So I think

Unknown Speaker 10:14:49
Yeah, I’m going to get up there. Yeah. And I think I just made it accountable. I added a smart I made a smart a goal. I just told the world what I wanted. So now I really got to work on it. Right? I’ve got it.

Jeff Barnes 10:15:02
That’s an important piece right there. And like it’s one thing to have, and this goes back to the psychology of goal setting. When you set a goal, what you’re doing is you’re telling your future self that you’re going to be better than you are today. Right? And that’s great. But here’s what happens. A lot of people they’ll set a goal let’s just say it’s a weight loss goal, right? That’s theirs. Two things in this country, United States every single year, beginning of the year, I want to lose more weight, and I want to make more money, right? Those are the two things that

Unknown Speaker 10:15:29
every single year it says every January 1, right? And so

Jeff Barnes 10:15:33
what happens, people buy their gym memberships, or they go out there and they get the gym. And they say, you know what, this is great. I want to lose weight. But they don’t tell anybody. And they also don’t say how much they want to lose or what weight they want to be at, or, and because of that, they make very minor modifications, if anything to their habits, okay? And when they don’t make any change their habits, they’re not setting themselves up for success with achieving those goals. So how do you do that, from a psychological standpoint? And perspective? How do you set it up so that you will go out there and achieve a goal, you hold yourself accountable to somebody other than you, right? This is why a lot of people fail at being entrepreneurs, quite honestly, is they don’t have anybody to be accountable to besides themselves anymore. And they don’t, as a result, they’re not telling other people what they’re trying to achieve, because they’re afraid that they might fail, or they’re afraid that they’ll get laughed at or people won’t respect them. And they’ll, they’ll just ignore them or lose friends, right? And so because they don’t have anybody out there who is holding them accountable is where a coach comes in, hold you accountable, then they just they go away, because they’re like, Oh, well, I didn’t achieve that this time. So it’s not a big deal. It’s not the end of the world that I survive, right? But when you go out there and you say, hey, Diane, here’s what we want to do I want to achieve this. And as a result of doing that, and telling you what I want to do, you can come and check in then you say hey, Jeff, how are we doing on that right now? Did you make any progress on that? Are you struggling? Do you need help with anything? Right? So the accountability aspect is absolutely important. And I’d say that you know, a smart agle that’s that’s actually funny I like that.

Unknown Speaker 10:17:19
Somewhere they go Yeah, high accountability is amazing. We I think we might need to do a live coming up soon talking about accountability, and some of these other things, you know, goals we can definitely talk about for a really long time where they are the importances. But Bobby, who we talked about, and by the way, I just got my third. So we’re up to three people this live. Thank you Kaylee. Kaylee. Kaylee, I hope you said your name right for just popping in and asking a question. But Bobby specifically asked if I could ask you he says I have a business doing 6 million a year, how can I raise 10 million to do an MBO. And I told him, it was tough to jump on a call. But if you could just kind of maybe say something to him, since he specifically asked to talk to you, Jeff, I think Bobby would love to hear from you.

Jeff Barnes 10:18:00
Right? So when you’re when you actually we try to talk to companies about this all the time, when you’re going out there and trying to raise capital, and you want to actually take your company to the next level, then there’s really only two things that you need to think about as far as achieving goals and objectives. Right? That is, I’m talking specifically about the money side, how big do you want to grow? What’s going to what is it going to take to get you there? Right? A lot of companies can actually grow through cash flow. They they look at us, okay, well, how do I make more revenue so that I can actually funnel or fuel my growth. And then other companies, specifically, companies that are in manufacturing hardware, they’re developing technology, these types of companies don’t really have something they can sell yet. And if they don’t have something they can sell and make revenue, then they need to raise capital, right? Life Sciences is a big field for this one, because you can’t sell anything until you’ve gone through all the approvals, and everything else. So as a result, you can’t make any money, which means you need to go raise capital. If and then what we do is we talk to a lot of companies, they listen, going out there, raising capital is probably going to be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done. Okay? I’m not going to share code and tell everybody Oh, yeah, there’s investors lined up everywhere. And you can just send them a pitch deck, and a subscription agreement, and they’re gonna sign up. raising capital is one of the hardest things to do inside of a business. And it’s also the riskiest thing for an investor to do is invest in a startup. So how do we de risk the investment to make it easier for you to raise capital? Well, you start generating revenue, that’s one big factor. If you can start generating revenue, then you can go out there raise money, and the the let’s look at SAS businesses, right software as a service businesses, these companies always want to go out there raise capital, because they need money for maybe it’s marketing money, maybe they need diabetes, maybe they need new developers, maybe they need to build their their tech stack out whatever it is, they need more money. And if you ever go and you talk to a family office, a VC, a private equity company, all of them are going to have their criteria for even a conversation. And most of the time that criteria is a million dollars annual recurring revenue. So if you’re not making a million dollars in recurring revenue every single year, it’s gonna be really hard for you to raise money. And that means at least from institutional investors, so that means you need to go back to the angel investors and they’re gonna look and say Well, excuse me, how are you making money if you don’t have an answer to that it’s really hard to even have the next conversation. On the other hand, if we are making $6 million a year then it’s really easy to go out there and put together a business plan financial projections and then prove that you’ve been able to hit these other goals and by proving your your track record and showing people what you’ve done, you’re absolutely going to be able to go out there and talk to people on a serious basis about raising capital right? So I think that was Bobby so that’s a great question Bobby. But if you’re already making money and you’re generating revenue, maybe you’re not profitable enough to go out there and hire a whole bunch of people or, or scale it up quickly. But if you’re making revenue, that’s a very key metric to talking to anybody who’s having a conversation and then it just comes down to how much money you want to raise and what are you going to use it for and what’s that structure look like?

Unknown Speaker 10:21:16
Now that was a great question Bobby I love all the chatting that we have going back and forth I’ll do my best to answer you as much as I can through the Facebook chats here but I did Bobby so you see it I put my scheduling link in there for you to go ahead and jump on a 30 minute call with me let’s talk a little bit more there’s a couple things I want to go over with then you know you did specifically ask how you can get on the phone with Jeff you know I need to gather a few little bits of tidbits of information because I’m sure everybody knows can assume great bestselling author you know you see his book in the cover there all this work that he’s doing sits on the board have many many companies Jeff is super super busy and so we do have set up procedures that you have to go through before we can get Jeff on a one on one with you but um reach out to me get on my calendar Bobby and I will get you on the phone with Jeff Barnes

Jeff Barnes 10:22:08
I saw we have Tom in there too from eternal remembrance so Hey Tom, how are you doing I hope that the the app launch is going well I know it’s been a while since we talked but hope everything’s working out for you there

Unknown Speaker 10:22:21
Yeah, we’ve got a couple of people in here we’ve got one of our old friends that keeps this shows up on our lives here you know more he’s on here talking with us more I can’t publicly talk about your your product online This is definitely a private one on one thing we’re g rated so I can’t discuss that but yeah, we’ve got he cut I’ve met first time I’ve talked to I think I’m saying his name right let me see. Kelly Warren Duff His goal is to talk to an angel his business needs help so Kelly I once again I sent you a link to my email I sent you my email address I need we need to know a little bit more about your business where it stands some specific you you don’t want to put it publicly on there that’s fine we understand that’s why I gave you Diana at Angel network comm shoot me over an email Let’s start the conversation and after we go through some of those procedures I’ll definitely if it you know we’re ready for Jeff we’ll get Jaffa If not, you’ll get me I you know I always Jeff is our expert, but I’m not too too far behind him in this world. So I you know, I studied Jeff, so I should know something. But as we wrap it up, we’ve got two minutes, two minutes, who’s going to come in, I’ve got three people on this live for my goal for you know, the end of the month is to get 10. So that means

Jeff Barnes 10:23:41
watching right now. So you know we’re getting there, you have a few people making comments. That’s a good thing. But

Unknown Speaker 10:23:45
I know we’ve got comments on there. People are responding to the things I’m saying out loud. I’m super, super, super excited. Bobby here, let me get you I guess I didn’t get you my link. Get it again, Bobby’s asking for that link.

Jeff Barnes 10:24:01
There we go. While you’re doing that, I just want to wrap up with a couple little things here. Right? So goal setting is imperative to do as a team. And one of the biggest challenges and I found out as being a CEO and sitting on boards is holding people accountable to your goals. Right? We talked about setting goals that we want other people to hold us accountable to. That’s where your coaches, your advisors, and those types of books come in. But now you have to hold your team accountable for goals. And that’s really a challenge. And this is where the okrs come in the objectives and key results and then being a manager. Okay, so, you know, for example, Diane and I have had conversations about what are Diana’s goals? And how do we hold her accountable? And how do we make sure that she’s doing it and getting the help and support she needs so she can achieve her goals because if she achieves her goals, the company achieves its goals right? And so sianna doesn’t

Unknown Speaker 10:24:53
like being held accountable. Diana likes doing what Diana wants to do and she wants to do it but she knows to be able to do what she really wants to do in life. She’s got to set those goals. Exactly. Happy you told us what an OKR is because I was just going to ask you to break that down. But we are done here. It has been 30 minutes and it seems like we we could talk for another 30 minutes on this. But you are super busy and I know you have other things on your calendar, I have things I’ve got to reach more than just my goals of getting 10 people to talk to me on on our lives. I do have goals. Just if the whole world wants to know, I would like to get five one on one coaching clients for Jeff on the calendar, ready to set to do one on one calls with Jeff, we do twice a month, or we do four times, you know, once a week call. So yeah, I’m looking for five this month in October. It’s my birthday month, I turned 43 next week. So if we could get clients by that before our next live, I’d be happy Happy birthday girl. But so what we’re going to talk about next week is a topic that I think causes a little confusion because of the name and we will go over Oh Bobby, thank you. My calendar is not working. I’ll get you another link. I’ll go in there and fix that I will get it to you shortly. We will what we’re talking about next week, is I’m not going to tell you the exact title yet. I’m going to make you wait until I put it up and put some information on and send you the invite to come to next week’s live and tune in. But how to get out of your own way. We’re gonna start talking about and we’re gonna do several episodes work covers the topic of how do you get out of your own way. How do you get off the hamster wheel? How do you stop wearing every hat in your business? Are you the CEO, the CFO, the CMO, the janitor, the the salesperson, the bookkeeper, everything? Are you running a one man show? Is that what you’re doing? Are you tired? Do you put in 3040 hours a day even though there’s only 24 in a day and nobody else is doing anything? So how do you get out of your way and do you need to get out of your own way to reach your financial goals and your growth goals? The answer to those questions coming starting on episode six of Ask me anything was CEO Jeff Barnes Jeff, do you have anything else to say before we hang up?

Jeff Barnes 10:27:19
No I’m going to make it really easy for you guys though if you just go to angel investors network.com for slash Diana, then you’ll be able to get on her calendar so we’ve made it really simple for you. Oh, I have my

Unknown Speaker 10:27:28
own forward slash I’ve never been a forward slash before.

Jeff Barnes 10:27:34
But now I’m looking forward to next week next week is gonna be a lot of fun and yeah, you know, Dan has a goal so guys get on the phone with her she’s great she she’s able to talk with you guys and help you out and she’s absolutely phenomenal when it comes to helping you set your goals and figure out how you can achieve those goals in your business. So thank you very much Diane I appreciate it. appreciate all your energy and everybody being here.

Unknown Speaker 10:27:55
I thank you so much. I’m so glad that we went there and i i set two SMART goals this month so I am looking not only for Jeff to hold me accountable, because he holds me accountable every day. That’s what we do to each other where you know we work together we help each other out because my success is his success. His success is my success. It’s how the business works. But I am looking for you all of you out there to help hold me accountable and help reach my goals. What were those two goals by the first week of November? I want 10 people talking to me constantly on my lives. And I want five new calendar five new clients for Jeff to help grow themselves to an eight to nine figure business. I’d like to get to by the 13th of October to who can help me reach my birthday goal and turn 43 into an amazing year. Alright guys looking forward to talking to you all my comments are bustling. I’ve got to go. I’ve got other calls on the schedule. Jeff, I need you to go back to work too so that we know we can go from there and I will talk to everybody later.

Unknown Speaker 10:28:55
Take care everyone.

Unknown Speaker 10:28:56

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