Build a Business You Love. Make a Difference. Enjoy Your Life.

You don’t have to choose just one. Let Angel Investors Network show you how.

Are You Overworked?

Do you feel like no matter how many hours you work, you still can not achieve the visibility and sales you need to get to the next level? Can you relate to this video?

Do You Need Help Executing?

Are you struggling to execute your strategy, and getting lost in the everyday mundane tasks that suck the life out of you and your business?

Angel Investors Network understands your frustration at this stage. We’re here to help, and do it with transparency and accountability for pennies on the dollar compared to what most others have invested in their business development.

If you want to build a business that can become a legacy and support all of your staff and the lifestyle you desire, you need to step back and honestly evaluate your foundation.

We position businesses that feel stuck and business owners who feel overwhelmed to be ready for the next level in their business, which would be to scale their operations. If you were to scale and see the business increase that you crave, would you be primed and ready to fulfill or would you be overwhelmed and implode? We’ve seen this happen numerous times, and let’s just say it isn’t pretty.

Here are the stages of building your business

Stage 1 = Rediscover your industry & target client.

Before you can build a successful business, you first must understand your prospects at a granular level. Your job is to know more about them than they know about themselves. AIN will help you understand what your customers want, need, and think about regularly.

In this stage, we’ll complete a detailed website audit and competitor analysis, then create a plan to reposition your company at the top of the places your clients are currently spending their time.

Stage 2 = You do not need marketing, you need conversions!

In this stage, we’ll create for you a conversion foundation that will yield a healthy return on investment for every dollar you are spending. You will have dedicated professional mentorship, access to content writers, a creative team, an R&D department, and marketing professionals dedicated to helping you stand out in your industry.
  • Branding Package
    • Professional Style Guide
    • Logo
    • Website
    • Establish & brand all of your social portals
    • Create your first 20 social media posts
    • Infographic
    • Explainer Video
  • Business Plan Revision
  • Vision Deck
  • Quickbook Accounting Program (if needed)
  • Press Release Written, syndicated, and reported.

Let Us Help You Work ON Your Business, Not Just In It!

Stage 3 = Cloning you and removing you from the mundane tasks

Now that you have a conversion foundation you need to systemize and automate the mundane tasks and have a professional team to handle your marketing and operations.

This is where you might be getting a little nervous about this program….you may be thinking right now that you do not have the money to pay for the proper resources and talent to advance your business. We have found that most likely you’re already investing more right now in your business than the cost you’ll pay for our professional, measurable, and transparent services.

Here is a case study where we worked with a decade-old print company and were able to reallocate the funds they were spending towards our services which in the end saved them more money than they spent.

We know that you are spending time doing more than you should be at this stage of your business. You are most likely handling sales, marketing, operations, and finances. You have some employees at this stage, but most likely you’re feeling that you are paying them to do things you could do faster and more accurately, and you’re probably right.

You are costing your company money with this approach, not saving it money. Think about it…who is the best closer in your company? You are. Why? Because you have passion, clarity, and are authentic in your belief of how your company’s products and services can truly make your clients’ lives better.

So while you are spending time on mundane tasks thinking you are saving money, you are costing your company revenue in lost sales. We have several ways we can stop the chaos in this stage of either doing everything yourself or dealing with the multi-vendor chaos you might be facing.

Stage 4 = Deploying the resources and talent to move your company forward.

What you need at this stage is a CMO and a COO, not only the people but also all of the deliverables that those positions are responsible for producing.

Imagine having access to resources like fortune 500 companies are using but paying pennies on the dollar and having your staff work 6 days a week 24 hours a day! Here is an average of what fortune 500 companies are paying to manage their marketing:

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