Monster Funding Trending Up

After doing research online I found some fantastic statistics that are good news for entrepreneurs, free enterprise and capitalism. Keep in mind these funds have nothing to do with Angel Investing, other than there are some happy Angels that either exited or are close to exit from their investment. Without Angels, Entrepreneurs could not access VC money!

While reading an article on CrunchBase from December of last year, I discovered venture dollars are pouring into deals at an exceptionally rapid rate. From WeWork’s brand new $350 million in funding, to SurveyMonkey’s $250 million cash influx announcement, to Uber’s latest mega round reported, over $1 billion in capital was committed by investors in one week alone!

The abundance of venture cash invested may seem out of the ordinary, but these recent deals fit into a bigger trend. Though the number of rounds tracked remains relatively static, the amount invested is growing, according to CrunchBase data.

This growth especially applies to later stage funding. In 2014, the number of later stage funding rounds (Series C+) increased by less than 20% from 2013. However total capital raised through funding efforts more than doubled.

amount invested in deals

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