7 Really Good Reasons to Blog for Business
- Become the Expert:
- Position yourself and your company as the thought leader of your business. Be the source of news for your industry and/or vital news that your customers might need and use. If you are making dental products you not only want to be the source of knowledge for the products you create but what if you gave your customers (dentists) a source for tools on customer retention? How much more valuable would you be to your customers?
- Customer Relationships:
- By creating a forum where your obvious goal is not selling something, you create a platform for a more personal relationship between you and your customers. People buy from people they like more often than not; a blog allows your customers to see you in a different light, not just some entity that takes their money. People are also much more likely to refer their friends to people they trust. A blog can also help deepen the trust that a customer has in not only your product or service but in you as the provider.
- Media Relations:
- Blogs provide the Media a channel to regularly check or even subscribe too for updates on your company and what you have to say about your industry. PR Consultants love corporate blogs because it provides an interactive resource for your usually passive Press Releases.
- Internal Collaboration:
- Blogs don’t always have to be publicly accessible. A Workgroup blog is a great tool for team members to collaborate and keep the rest of the team updated on a project, or to share ideas.
- Recruitment:
- If you use your blog to position your company as a thought leader, people will pay attention, and if you consistently how wonderful it is to work at your company, people will want to know more. Posts can be written to target professionals in your industry that may be looking for a change.
- Testing Ideas or Products:
- Because of the informality of a blog and the personalization of the corporate entity, you are much more likely to get honest feedback on a new release or a new idea in a fairly quick manner. All you need to do is publish a post about a crazy thought you have and your group of followers will most likely comment it.
- Improve your page ranking and increase your SEO (search engine optimization):
- Search engines like Google and Yahoo and many others, give higher rankings to sites that are updated often and that have other sites linking to them as well as outbound links. Provide an easy way for your readers to link to your page and you will see your rankings increase dramatically.
So now that you know why you should blog – how do you go about it?
There are several ways, you can do it yourself, which will take time and as we know time is money; you can outsource it to a big website building company which will cost you big bucks or you can let your friends over at Children’s Educational Network do it for you.
They are expanding their services to meet the needs of shareholders and customers. Their team has gotten really good at setting up blogs like this one and have perfected the skills needed, why not share this valuable resource with you?